Any 5'8 ladies starting at 240 and now at goal weight?

I've lost my motivation and trying to get it together again. Any ladies (5'8) who started around 240 and have met their goals? Please post pics and stats and how you stayed motivated please!


  • qxana1969
    qxana1969 Posts: 9,330 Member
    I'm not 5'8 and I've not met my goal but I'm working on it (65lbs. down this year). I just want to wish you the best and encourage you to find your motivation - you are worth it!!! Good luck!
  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
    Im 5' 7" and started at 260 pounds. I am now 215 pounds. Stil a long way to go but let me tell you I am not one of the amazing stories on here where it took a year to lose 100 pounds. It has taken me almost a year to lose 45. Why? Because I constantly lose motivation and suck at staying within a deficit over the weekends. But I'm still losing and that's all that matters. It'll be slow, but you'll push through it. The best sign of success (in my opinion) is when you pick yourself up AFTER screwing up and keep moving forward.

    Also not able to post pics ATM but I will be posting a success story once I have been on here for a full year (about 5 weeks.)
  • melindabrock
    melindabrock Posts: 91 Member
    Thank you qxana1969! mizzzc I agree with you I have the same thing going on, the weekends kick my rear with my husband. I don't mind if it takes a while but in the last week I saw the scale actually go up for the first time since July so Im pretty bummed. Each time I hit my calories goal I end up eating crap at night when I get home. I try to keep only healthy stuff in the house then my husband gets very very mad when he has a sweet tooth ha. I cant wait to see your pics :)
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Ok, I'm not the best at uploading pics, but I will try for a fellow horse-person. I'm 5'7" (ish); starting weight was 230, not at goal yet, but have lost 65 (ish) lbs.

    Before (2010):




    Stick with it--you can do it. It has taken me many tries and fails to get this far, and I'm not done yet (goal is about 12-13 lbs from here). Feel free to friend me if you would like--I try to give support and encouragement!

  • I too am 5'8. I'm not at my goal weight, but did start around 258. I'm now 213. With another 37 to go. It takes a lot to stay motivated. When tempted to have something delicious (especially during the holidays) I convince my brain. I'm a taste-tester judge, and I can't fill up on this because there will be more delicious treats to taste later. Which in essence is true. I want to save my caloric intake for the "can't live without it" treats, and not to just satisfy a sweet urge. And yes I do permit myself to have a sweet treat, as long as it's baked from scratch, not store bought. I think petite dessert.

    I'm not just on a diet, but a healthy lifestyle change. So I stop beating myself up. It's a trail and errors game. Until I find out what works best for the longest period of time without starvation. Because once I reach the goal - How will I handle the real success to keep it off? I know I will still need support for this crazed food addiction.
    I believe if anyone else has ever done this, so can I.

    Melinda, you are self-motivated, and if anyone can do this, you can do it!

  • You are not alone.
    I am 5'7" sw: 238 cw: 227 gw: 145.
    You can do this. I have to constantly remind myself "What doesn't challenge me, wont change me" Being overweight has depressed me, and took over my life I had to make the decision that it is NOT going to be easy but it will be worth it. I have a long way to go still, but I am not looking at it like that. I am doing this day by day. One foot in front of the other. I have found that if I overwhelm myself like setting unreasonable goals, I will fail. Good luck to you. Feel free to add me if you would like, we are all in this together. One day at a time.
  • greenfirearm
    greenfirearm Posts: 120 Member
    edited December 2014
    I am 5"10, and my start weight was 256lbs. I now weigh around 196, with improved muscle tone. Sorry I don't have any pictures. :(

    It's only just now that I have realised that I've lost 60lbs in bodyweight. :open_mouth:
  • lgriffithschall
    lgriffithschall Posts: 28 Member
    I was about 240 when I started trying to lose weight, and about 200 when I started MFP. I'm not quite at goal, but getting close. The best advice I can give after years of gaining and losing (and never actually losing past 170 before I started gaining again) is that you have to want it more than ANYTHING else. I had to change my views on so many things (eating, exercise, hobbies, etc) in order to push forward and find success.
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    I'm 5'7" and started at 215, now at 168. Goal weight is 150. Just never lose sight of your goal! It's definitely not easy, but you gotta keep going! I have had the best luck with support groups and finding an accountability partner. Don't cheat yourself and try to stick with something as much as possible.
  • melindabrock
    melindabrock Posts: 91 Member
    Thank you for all the posts! I cant believe I have so much in common with so many of you. I feel so much more motivated this afternoon than I did this morning just from you guys. Thank you all!!!
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