Looking for those with similar fitness goals, or just motivated people!

Hello. I have tried this website before a few times previously but I've always found myself to be distracted by life whether it be living in another country, moving back from that country, changing jobs or quitting smoking so I'm back... again. I am 20 years old, 5'3 and currently weigh 11 stone 4. I'd consider myself to be very self conscious about my appearance (my stomach and legs in particular) so would like to make a change and hopefully lose 2 stone of this weight. I have a lot of issues in the kitchen as I am a useless cook and a picky eater so hopefully a bit of support from other people and a lot of swotting up on nutrition will help me stay motivated this time! If you're a good motivator, have similar stats or goals or in general are just a nice person please friend me!