Cant stop eating fast food!



  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I have been "trying" to lose weight for the past...oh I don't know,...since I was 13!
    thanks to my parents and theyre none self control, I adapted the bad eating habits that they had. And so here I am...268 pounds, 5'6 and im 25 years old. I don't remember the last time I was this big. I think it was in high school freshman year. I was at 270. I lost 80 pound during my senior year thanks to my friend Alexandra. And then came the freshman 30! yes I gained 30 pounds my freshman year in college. I didn't mind, I was having a great time.

    And then I came back home. Another 15 pounds. Fast forward 4 years, I piled on another 20 pounds. 1 more year passed, another 13 pounds and that is how I am now 268!
    Yes well thanks to my love for fast food, I have lost the battle against the bulge. I feel horrible, I hate going out anywhere. My husband is sad all the time because im sad all the time and I know its my weight. HELP ME!
    I eat out at least 2 or times per week. I like cooking, but I love take out :(
    I want to stop this NOW!
    that's why im here. because I need some support and I need some tips and I just need to stop complaining about my weight and just do something about it.
    I hope this time it works. I have tried for 6 months and my weight goes up and down but I want it to stay down for good this time around.
    NO FAST FOOD FOR 1 MONTH! (lets see how that goes)

    Stop blaming fast food and your parents. Take responsibility and you'll realize that you're the only one that can change your situation because you're the only one that got yourself there.

    Stop trying, just do it. If you want it badly enough, you'll make it happen. It'll only become a priority when YOU decide it's a priority.

    Maintain a calorie deficit and start exercising.

    Good luck.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    depriving yoursel f will make u binge=
    eat healthier options
    or still e at crap and exercise so u can eat it a nd fi t itin caleries

    I know a lot of people say that about not eating fast food. but I have done it before and my body just felt so clean that I began to hate fast food, but after I had let that mind set go and started not caring about what I ate, of course it became harder and harder.
    but I know what u mean about exercising more but I just hate feeling sluggish. and that's what that food does.

    I think the question you need to deal with is: Why in the world would you want to eat it if it makes you feel bad?

    There is something deeper than just a love of the taste of the food at work here.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    You can. You just don't want to. It's all in your head, missy.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I can't stop eating fast food either. It's great!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I have been "trying" to lose weight for the past...oh I don't know,...since I was 13!
    thanks to my parents and theyre none self control, I adapted the bad eating habits that they had. And so here I am...268 pounds, 5'6 and im 25 years old. I don't remember the last time I was this big. I think it was in high school freshman year. I was at 270. I lost 80 pound during my senior year thanks to my friend Alexandra. And then came the freshman 30! yes I gained 30 pounds my freshman year in college. I didn't mind, I was having a great time.

    And then I came back home. Another 15 pounds. Fast forward 4 years, I piled on another 20 pounds. 1 more year passed, another 13 pounds and that is how I am now 268!
    Yes well thanks to my love for fast food, I have lost the battle against the bulge. I feel horrible, I hate going out anywhere. My husband is sad all the time because im sad all the time and I know its my weight. HELP ME!
    I eat out at least 2 or times per week. I like cooking, but I love take out :(
    I want to stop this NOW!
    that's why im here. because I need some support and I need some tips and I just need to stop complaining about my weight and just do something about it.
    I hope this time it works. I have tried for 6 months and my weight goes up and down but I want it to stay down for good this time around.
    NO FAST FOOD FOR 1 MONTH! (lets see how that goes)

    Stop blaming fast food and your parents. Take responsibility and you'll realize that you're the only one that can change your situation because you're the only one that got yourself there.

    Stop trying, just do it. If you want it badly enough, you'll make it happen. It'll only become a priority when YOU decide it's a priority.

    Maintain a calorie deficit and start exercising.

    Good luck.

    ^^Yes. This.^^
  • dzarbs
    dzarbs Posts: 3
    Going off what others have said, you may want to cut back instead of going cold turkey. A great way to do is make sure you count your calories!! (from that lone m&m to that extra ranch). Make sure whatever you get from fast food still fits in your calorie budget.

    Sometimes you just want a fix! For example, I used to order the juiciest fattiest burgers on the Wendy's menu but now if i have a DESPERATE craving, I get the Jr. Cheeseburger and drive out of there as fast as I can. I make sure to wait till i'm out of the car before I wolf it down or (just being honest here) I may be tempted to go back to the shop!

    Another tip is to walk in, instead of going through the drive thru. The convenience makes it too easy for us, and I definetly feel that much more guilty walking into the joint order half the menu! I hope this helps!!!

    ps. I started to log my food a day in advance so I'm less tempted to stray. Preparing ahead is a great way to avoid temptation.
  • liznsmith
    liznsmith Posts: 240 Member
    Back when I was 180 lbs and was addicted to fast food and junk food in general I would eat healthy all week and give myself one free day. My free day was Saturday and that's the day I got to eat whatever I wanted to. My first few Saturdays were pretty much binge days but over the course of a month I started eating less and less junk on that day and then got to the point where I didn't even like the stuff. Give yourself a free day once or twice a week. It gives you something to look forward to.