Born in the Sixties


Hey there, I'm new around here, but been on the planet for a while now. Those of us who were born in the Sixties, had our Salad Days in the Seventies and our Heyday in the Eighties, now find ourselves hitting a wall. Maybe it's just a niggle, maybe health crisis, but we KNOW it's time to get serious.

I lost the bulk of my bulk ;) the easy way with cutting out sugar, reducing carbs (but not like crazy low) and increasing the beautiful, health-giving and simply delicious (and oh so wonderfully filling) Saturated Fat. Yes, I lost 35+ kilos by eating plenty of stuff I liked; I was never bored or hungry (a total revelation after a life addicted to sugar).

But, in the last year I had a bit of health scare and I know that other parts of my lifestyle were slowly but surely eroding what health I had gained by reducing my carbs and increasing my Fats. As a result of much research on my behalf, which is on-going, I am slowly building my health back up again.

The Health benefits of keeping track of all my nutrients here, quickly and easily, on MFP is the next tool I can use to keep getting healthier and stronger. I also like to keep track of my exercise, it is very motivating looking those minutes of movement mount up :smiley:

I am looking for friends, but some warnings maybe necessary:

1. I DO NOT subscribe to CICO, and I kind of feel sorry for folks who do, because they are really struggling with feeling hungry and restricted and empty and grumpy. All these things go when you PILE on the butter and cream and eggs...yum....where was I? I drifted off there thinking about all the delicious and satisfying food I have eaten over the last fours years, as I watch the weight FALL away. So yeah, if you CICO, you can friend me, but I won't agree with you and I will feel sorry for your struggle and I will constantly tell you about the benefits of ENJOYING food again, and having so much appetite control that you FORGET to eat.

2. I love the whole statistics, and graphs and things, it's a huge motivator for me and I guess there are others here who are just as OCD in this department, so yeah, that sort of person might like to Friend me.

3. I don't really like food and the idea of swapping recipes and talking about food really doesn't interest me. Just not the Domestic Goddess type, more an Earth Mother with an Attitude. >:) If it were actually possible, which I very much doubt, I would like to live on Air, Water and Sunshine.

4. I am very loyal and am a great friend, but I am too old to give a rats about whether folks like me or agree with me or not. My New Years Resolution last year was to not stand for bigotry and the double standards I see. This year I have stood up for what I believe in and I have called people on their careless words and actions. I sound like a pushy cow, but actually I am really very sweet and will always be positive and supportive to those who need it. I make a good friend because I am honest, which is rare commodity these days.

5. I LOVE to watch Sport - Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! I DO NOT LOVE to play Sport. Competitive sport is not the place for me. I like Tai Chi and Walking and Swimming (when I get the chance). But my Passion lies in Cricket and my Joy lies in Aussie Rules Football. So folks who have read this far and can handle the rest of my crap and who LOVE Cricket and AFL, might also like to Friend me.

Pop by, introduce yourself, I promise I don't really bite o:)


  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    "Earth Mother with an attitude". I love it. Can I use that one too? I consider myself a bada$$ old broad. Born in '61. Working on my last 11 pounds. Trying to do it in a healthy way - like you described. Cutting down on sugar, fewer carbs (but cannot totally eliminate them) and more veggies and fruit. Seems to be working. I'm in central Ohio, U.S.A. Hello!
  • diannehunt944
    diannehunt944 Posts: 11 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hello there Bada$$ '61 ;) Happy to have you as a Friend. I'm all the way downunder at the bottom end of Australia. And yes you are most welcome to the Earth Mother bit ;)