What are some REAL butter brands?



  • KaySaver
    KaySaver Posts: 92 Member
    I totally agree that the launch into fat free and low cal options really hurt our nation.

    The one thing I loved when I lived in Germany was the close knit communities and the small refrigerators with tiny freezers. The reason almost all Europeans are healthy and not overweight is due to shopping once a week and only buying fresh foods. They don't stock up on frozen and can foods like we do over here and they also don't over power their food with gunk like salad dressing and seasonings. They actually taste the food with little or simple ingredients. Doritos and flavored chips that we sell over here are covered in seasonings, over there they just lightly season chips and they actually taste better, that's why I think we lose our taste buds over here and end up salting everything.

    You can find everything fresh over there simply by going to the neighborhood markets. They even had a milk and egg truck that would drive by weekly so that you could buy both fresh from the farm. There are a lot of things I miss over there and great fresh foods are one of them.
    Yes, you can find everything here but it always seems like a challenge or you have to go to a natural foods store and you end up paying twice as much.
  • lydaugherty
    They even had a milk and egg truck that would drive by weekly so that you could buy both fresh from the farm.

    That would be absolutly amazing.

    (Oh, and sorry July24Lioness, I don't have time to make my own butter, grow my own garden, kill my own chickens, make my own soaps and shampoos. I've got you know.. a house to tend, laundry to do, food to cook, 2 kids and a husband to take care of, internets to browse..... did I mention I live in 2010? Hehehehe. ) No time, no time at all.
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    Edited to add a disclaimer....................

    ***I am not trying to push my ideas or beliefs on anyone that belongs to this site. I am merely sharing information with everyone. ***

    You could always make your own.....................then you KNOW the ingredients that went into making it!!!

    Here is a recipe from Mother Nature News that tells you what to do.............

    My husband and I have taken turns with the shaking part to create butter, but it was well worth it in the end............


    I have actually wanted to try this! There is a dairy farm close by here I just had no idea how to make it. Thank you!

    And yeah, it is crazy the things that companies do to genetically modify food to save on a few calories. I have started questioning how foods are made to be low fat or fat free if they aren't naturally like that, and it kind of grosses me out a bit.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    They even had a milk and egg truck that would drive by weekly so that you could buy both fresh from the farm.

    That would be absolutly amazing.

    (Oh, and sorry July24Lioness, I don't have time to make my own butter, grow my own garden, kill my own chickens, make my own soaps and shampoos. I've got you know.. a house to tend, laundry to do, food to cook, 2 kids and a husband to take care of, internets to browse..... did I mention I live in 2010? Hehehehe. ) No time, no time at all.

    It doesn't take that much time, we do it while watching TV..............

    I help my sister out working in her garden as I don't have the space, I don't kill my own chickens, they are killed and plucked for me (but they are striaght from a farm).............As previously mentioned, my sister is the one that makes our soaps for us. I make my own household cleaners though from another member of this website. I was spending a fortune on Method Brand cleaning products and the recipes our fellow member shared with me work better than the store bought products.

    I have a career in the I.T. field working 50 + hours a week, a house to tend to also, laundry to do, food to prepare and cook, a husband to take care of and 2 dogs to prepare and cook food for, plus walk them and do their personal hygeine.

    You make time for what you want to make time for. That is how I look at it.
  • barresa
    barresa Posts: 16 Member
    You can't get more real than Organic grass-fed Butter from US Wellness Meats.com
    It tastes and smells unbelievable. Comes frozen and it's pricier but you'll see why.

  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    You can't get more real than Organic grass-fed Butter from US Wellness Meats.com
    It tastes and smells unbelievable. Comes frozen and it's pricier but you'll see why.


    If someone has a dairy farm close to them that grass feeds their beef, then making your own is just as organic if not more organic than ordering from some where.

    I am growing to love raw dairy.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I actually just use the WalMart brand - I think it is in a Great Value box. It's just butter - nothing special, but simple and good. And inexpensive! I use the stick butter though, not the tub. I just put it in a rubbermaid or ziplock container and keep it on the counter, 1 stick at a time. Once in a while I have to throw some out because it gets "fuzzy" but not very often.

    After my step-dad's 2nd heart attack, his doc told him to mix 1/2 real butter and 1/2 extra virgin olive oil and use that - it's super good too, but you do have to refrigerate it.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Another vote for Land o Lakes whipped regular butter!

    I also buy sticks of Keller's for cooking/baking and when I'm feeling the need for that extra richness (steamed clams anyone? :bigsmile: ). I think Keller's may be a Northeast brand though, we never had it in the midwest where I grew up.
  • dontpanic1984
    dontpanic1984 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm trying to find some REAL butter. I mean, not made from canola oil, or any partially hydrogenated oil, no margarine..
    good ol REAL butter.

    But I'm not sure what brands there are? Any ideas?

    If you want to go decadent and delicious - Plugra European style butter. It's stupid good. Quite possibly the creamiest substance in the universe. I get mine at HEB and I've seen it at Kroger and even Super Target.
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    I'm not a person that loves butter, but I am a person that does not like fake butter that doesn't even melt on toast (what is that?!?), or worse turns the toast to a soggy mess. I don't know if this fits your criteria for 'real butter' but the new Land O Lakes with olive oil is pretty good. It's ingredients are sweet cream, olive oil, and salt... pretty pure. :) It stays soft while in the fridge, which is why I like it.
  • barresa
    barresa Posts: 16 Member
    You can't get more real than Organic grass-fed Butter from US Wellness Meats.com
    It tastes and smells unbelievable. Comes frozen and it's pricier but you'll see why.


    If someone has a dairy farm close to them that grass feeds their beef, then making your own is just as organic if not more organic than ordering from some where.

    I am growing to love raw dairy.

    I am ALL for making your own food whenever possible and keeping things simple and as natural as possible. However, I am Extremely practical and resourceful. Healthy eating requires a bit more time, planning and organization than eating garbage. If I find a source that I can trust and can delivery that highest quality I expect -- I can easily leave that one to the professionals. No control freak here! I move on and take on something that is perhaps Not as easy to delegate or trust to someone else.

    Healthy Organic real butter is pretty easy to come by. Life is to short No?
    But hey... to each his own....
    Happy Churning!

    By the way www.uswellnessmeats.com also carries org. raw cheese and org. raw cashew ice cream... very yummy and healthy too!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Plugra, Keller's, Kerrygold, or even better, buy an Amish butter roll. Sold by the pound at select delis.
  • lydaugherty

    Healthy eating requires a bit more time, planning and organization than eating garbage. If I find a source that I can trust and can delivery that highest quality I expect -- I can easily leave that one to the professionals.

    Exactly, hehe. I'd rather spend time playing with my kids, but that's me :)

    Thanks everybody for all the butter talk!! =)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    Only peripherally on topic, for those who like to keep their butter on the counter, another option is a butter bell.


    I have one, and love it. It keeps it fresher longer.
  • qwho
    qwho Posts: 157
    I use land o lakes whipped butter too, just two ingredients ... I like it soft too, but I just measure out what I need a few minutes before I eat and it is soft and spreadable/meltable by the time I need it and only 50 calories vs 100 for regular butter, I guess it is the air from whipping ... although I assume we are really only getting 1/2 tbsp when we use a tbsp, so that is why the calories are cut in half?
  • LoveLifeHonestly
    They even had a milk and egg truck that would drive by weekly so that you could buy both fresh from the farm.

    That would be absolutly amazing.

    (Oh, and sorry July24Lioness, I don't have time to make my own butter, grow my own garden, kill my own chickens, make my own soaps and shampoos. I've got you know.. a house to tend, laundry to do, food to cook, 2 kids and a husband to take care of, internets to browse..... did I mention I live in 2010? Hehehehe. ) No time, no time at all.

    Okay so sue me for bringing up old stuff, but I have to interject here just because July24 was actually very correct. The truth is, your way of thinking is holding you back more than you could imagine. You can build yourself a self-sustainable home out of recycled materials such as tires, or even sand/dirt bags for practically nothing. This means that you would build in solar panels (probably the most expensive portion of your build), and use rain water that you purify yourself therefore giving you NO utility bills at all. It's simple, very inexpensive, and a completely self-sustainable way of life. These are called Earthbag homes and there are the more expensive ones called Earthships. The Earthbags are being done all over the place. I've only been researching these particular kinds of homes for a couple weeks now, but so far the highest amount I've seen anyone spend on the actual build was $5000.

    Me and my husband have been researching this type of living for several years now and this is our ultimate goal. We are buying the land at the beginning of next year and will probably have our home built by the beginning of 2015. And guess what? When we are there in our Earth home, we will have FREE unprocessed foods, FREE medicines, FREE clothing (from plant materials such as hemp), FREE energy, FREE water..... we will live FREE. And any money that we do make (we both work from home), is ours to do whatever with. So let me tell you, you DO have the time to do this, the question is, do you want to invest the time to make your family healthier and more self-sustainable? If you're as loving a mother/wife as I am, your answer should be yes.

    Anyway, there's my 2 cents. The way you attacked July24 like that was very rude and rather immature I might add, so I thought I'd point out how much you didn't know and how naive your response was.