yo yo dieter looking for motivational and active fitness pal friends

Hi - so a bit about me, im a mum of 1 and i am 26 years old, I have been yo yo dieting for 7 years now ranging from between 10stone and 14stone 5 then all the way back down and all the way back up again. I met an amazing man a year ago who is majorly into his fitness as he is a rock climber. He loves me to bits but has always been very honest that he doesn't want an overweight girlfriend due to wanting me to be healthy.

I am currently sitting at 10 stone 12lbs and have about another stone to go. Some of his good ways are definately rubbing off on me but my fitness pal is always what has kept me on the straight and narrow so am looking for some friends that are active on here so we can motivate eachother