Best time of the day for working out? - MEN ONLY



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    My answer is the same as half the men.

    Go at a time that works for you in your schedule when you KNOW you will go.

    I have- and will workout first thing in the morning fasted. Sometimes I get sick (it goes away through the workout- and in general it goes away if you continue to work out fasted regularly) but I don't care for it. Yes- I feel better but I hate getting up in the morning.
    - So I go at 5- and my gym is small enough I never have to really wait to long for anything.

    So - go when it's a time when you can fully commit to going regularly.

    Also Yaaaaaa -welcome back- we've all missed you so very much.
