Anyone have trouble getting started?

Balaru Posts: 203 Member
Really having a hard time with consistency Especially at this time of year. Go for 3 to 4 days hard then work, family or church gets crazy and before you know it out of time. I do best when I clock out and workout. This has been a crazy week. Hoping things will settle down next week but then the kids will be in from college and our big family party is next weekend. I guess I will not beat myself up as long as I get my AM Yoga in the morning and 30 minutes walking either with the dog or on the treadmill. Wanted to kick it up a notch and do P90X but so far it's been P3X. Does choir rehearsal and extreme Christmas shopping count-lol. I'm going to keep plugging away with the walking and keep working toward P90X. Monday was great stayed within calories and did P90X Tues and We'd we're ok didn't get as much as would have liked. Today was pretty bad but tomorrow is another chance to get it right. How did you get your brain in the game? How did you make it your lifestyle. I've done it before - Don't know why it's so hard this time...seem to be addicted to Dr Peppers...even though we don't have them in the house I'll go to Wendy's and just get a drink. How sick is that? Trying to switch to water but it's not the same. Thanks for listening.....


  • FromFatToFab14
    FromFatToFab14 Posts: 7 Member
    Soda is an addiction I struggle with. Love them! Lol I use the crystal light lemonade packets or wylers from dollar tree to substitute but don't make yourself feel trapped without drink. Plan ahead for meals and smoothies. Great job with your exercises! Feel free to add me! :smile: