Back at it....75lb weight loss goal.

I have been at this starting line before. However I must say time seems to be a bit different in a good way. I know I have 75lbs to lose to hit my goal however instead of looking at the big number I am focusing on day to day progress. I have enlisted a personal trainer that I am working with twice a week and going to the gym on my off days. I have yet to doing anything "intense" yet getting my hiney to merely walk through the gym doors in a major feat in itself. You see I despise working out. I find every excuse in the book not to go. However, this time around I am actually motivated like never before. This trainer (whom I have only met with twice) has a different attitude than ones before. She seems to truly "get me". She has given me homework that does not terrify me. Before I have had trainers that tell me to get on the treadmill and just run. I can't stand to just run....nor am I capable of it. My new trainer has me walking on the treadmill for 1 minute at a 3 speed then jogging at a 5 speed for 30 seconds (repeat) for a full 30 minutes. NO, that does not sound like much but it is for me. I sweat as if I have a hose running down me yet I feel pride when I complete my 30 mins. Then I work on machines for an additional 30 mins.
My calorie intake is at 1,500 for the day. So far I have truly been making better choices. My husband and I are both ready and willing to become healthier this summer. Although he is a great partner I can for sure use more motivators.
Anyone out there going down a similar path?