Amount of protein that can be utilized

I'm trying to do a slow bulk, and I lift heavy 3 times a week and do a very small amount of lifting on a couple other days. Today happens to be one of my off days. For the day as a whole, I will likely be getting in more protein than I normally do, perhaps near 1 gram per pound of lbm/.9 grams per pound of bodyweight. I haven't lifted heavy in a couple days, so I'm skeptical of the amount of protein synthesis still going on from Wednesday. Given that I'm not doing any intensive exercise today, I'm wondering if this is still within the range that my body can utilize.


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,925 Member
    edited December 2014
    Muscle is built in recovery, so yeah, your protein consumption is fine. Personally I found carbs to be the most important macro while bulking.