Fitbit, HRM or both?

Help. I can't decide. I am definitely (I think) going to purchase a HRM for when I am doing my morning workout. But I know a lot of folks with the fitbit that love it. I've always hated pedometers, but maybe this is different. Would it be helpful to have both? Do I want to carry a fitbit around with me all day? Any thoughts?:tongue:


  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Body media Fit is much more accurate!
  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    I have a HRM and Fuelband. Fuelband is an all day tracker whereas the HRM can give me a better estimate of what I burn during a workout. I would definately try one of the other full day trackers before the fuelband though, the tech support is not the greatest!! I have heard great things about the fitbit flex.