Starting Over

Once again I find myself starting over with my weight loss efforts. It seems the older I get the harder it gets. I don't want to be that person that counts every calorie that she eats, or do I want to be that girl that spends all her free time at the gym. I need a program that will allow me to live life and still lose weight.


  • leanne0627
    leanne0627 Posts: 109 Member
    its pretty hard to lose weight without counting calories. You should at least count calories for awhile to see how much you are eating and where you can make cuts from. Even if you just cut out some junk food, or make smaller portions of the things you are eating you will lose some weight. And working out can be fun, and it doesn't have to be at the gym. Try going on walks, sports with friends, etc. Do sit ups or jumping jacks on commercials when your watching tv at night instead of snacking. Small changes you can keep for life.
  • believefsc
    believefsc Posts: 49 Member
    Hi there! I understand not wanting to count every calorie and spend all your time at the gym. I get it! When I first started my new 'healthy' journey in September, I just started eating healthy foods and I removed the processed stuff from my cupboards. One month in, though, I decided to really start doing things right. I was having great success, but I really didn't know what I was doing. I started logging my calories and realized I was eating at a crazy-low calorie deficit (I was only eating 900 calories/day!). There's no way I could have maintained that so I inevitably would have gone back to my old habits because I was starving myself. If I hadn't started counting calories, I wouldn't have known that and would have blown all the hard work I had done. I actually found someone who explained it all to me so it would make sense. And the gym thing, well, I started this at 300 pounds so there's no way I was going to the gym. I started working out at home and found a program where I workout 30 minutes/day at home and I'm done! I was able to modify it for my 300 pounds and now I'm working harder and seeing crazy good results. I've lost almost 50 pounds in 14 weeks! Go ahead and 'friend' me if you want. I can help you with motivation and getting going if you want.
  • heatheraugust03
    heatheraugust03 Posts: 23 Member
    Restarting my journey on here and hope to go far due to the fact I'm at my highest I have ever been. I'm looking for encouragement and motivation from others. I recently became a stay at mom in June and that has been the biggest challenge of not raiding my cupboards! It's almost as like if no one sees me eating it it didn't count lol. Not to mention I'm a very picky eater =(. But I am more than ready to work on myself, to live a healthy life style and adventuring out with my kids instead of hanging out on the couch! I'm in need of friends on here. Please add me if you are really in this for the long run! Good luck to all!