EEsh, binged today

melville88 Posts: 137
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
did anyone else have a binge today? I had a BBQ (quorn burger, 3 chicken skewers, 2 prawn skewers, 1 veggie sausage+ half a piece of bread) then a milky way, a gold bar (choc biscuit), 2 pieces of choc, 4 pringles, a few peanut puffs (like wotsits/cheetos but peanut flavour), fruit salad and an alpen bar. I'm so angry at myself now, I wasn't hungry or bored but just craved food. If anyone else slipped up today, please post- I need solidarity right now! x


  • Eliannasmom
    Eliannasmom Posts: 55 Member
    There are days when I could eat the whole house including the kitchen sink... I keep lots of fresh fruit on hand I find it helps with the sweet cravings. But let's face it sometimes your body just tells you to eat. Don't be discouraged just realize tomorrow is a new day!
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    :flowerforyou: This happens! It's okay. One day of binging does not ruin your progress. Just make sure you don't let this derail you from achieving. Get some exercise and start fresh in the morning!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    No I had my binge yesterday. I ate over my calories by almost 1,000 and let's just say Smores were! Just jumped back on the horse today. I just completed my food log and I stayed under my calories. We are going to have those days, It;s what we do the majority of the time that counts.

  • i have yet to go off my program but haven't been at it as long as you. i do know from past experiences when it rains it pours. just try to bounce right back and avoid putting yourself in the place you were when this happened, both mentally and physically.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I get binges quite often. It usually hits at night with sweets. I've polished off a whole thing of pudding packs and last night I ate 2 ice cream sandwiches, a pudding cup, and when I started in on another pudding cup, I finally got up and threw it away trying to fight the urge.
  • grichards
    grichards Posts: 4

    It was my day to binge also. I won't go into what all I ate but bingeing is a major issue for me. I'm trying to learn to identify these times before they come and try to find something else to do to replace the food binge. When you've been bingeing as long as I have, I don't think it will be easy to ID the whys but all that is important to not beat yourself up over it. Take this opportunity to take a look at what brought this on and maybe next time you can call a friend or go somewhere or take a walk or whatever you can to head it off. The imortant thing is to not let this begin spiral feeling guilty and eating more. Just say okay, I could have made better choices and move on. Best of luck to you.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    The most important thing is to not dwell on it, because that will make it worse. You will start feeling discouraged. Ok, so, you had a bad day! We all have 'em! Now get over it and have a nice healthy breakfast in the morning!

  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Also, I looked at your diary, and you didn't go over your calories by much! Maybe take a night time stroll or do some chores around the house just to even it out. That should be all that's needed to make you feel better!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    You're preaching to the choir! We grilled out today with friends and definitely didn't stay within my calories! Don't feel so bad! We all have those days!
  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    This weekend was a total loss for me. I went camping so all bets were off; burgers, hot dogs, baked beans, the works!! And of course add a few beers in there and my calorie limitations were shot! But I did great all week leading up to and I know I will make up for it this week. As everyone else has said, the important thing is to not dwell on it and/or beat yourself up. No one can be perfect 100% of the time!
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    yeah I didn't go over by so much but I ate literally like 800-1000 calories of food in the space of like an hour or 2 hours and I feel totally stuffed to the brim and sick. Thanks for the solidarity- I know, I used to binge all the time pre-diet, (it's shameful but I could eat a whole box of chocs in one night+dinner+crisps etc etc). I haven't had many binges whilst I've been dieting and numbers wise this wasn't such a huge binge but you know when you just totally gorge yourself and overwhelm your stomach? I seriously feel like my stomach is so full that the food is resting in my oesophagus or something. But yes, tomorrow is a new day- everything will be fine and there's one less milky way, gold bar (+all food listed earlier) to tempt me in the house! I am making fairy cakes with my cousins tomorrow (they're 7 and 9) but won't be tempted- they always lick their fingers and put it in the mixture which always makes me feel queazy about the end product! childen and hygiene = impossible. Hope everyone else who binged a bit today feels better tomorrow too xxx
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    Mel, I think you're going to be fine! You are always WELL UNDER your calorie goal and I think it was your body's way of saying, "I'M HUNGRY!" It's ok! I had mine(binge) three days in a row this week and didn't exercise, either. I usually exercise EVERYDAY. I was platueaing and frustrated and TIRED! I actually lost weight all 3 days that I wasn't exercising and going over my calorie goal. And one day I went over by more than a thousand calories. You have lost ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN POUNDS!! You are doing awesome! Don't beat yourself up for it. It's not going to hurt your progress! :D
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    It didn't sound like a binge until you got to the sweets, lol. Next time, a little less sweets. Binge on healthy stuff like the chicken & prawn skewers ;) (YUM, btw!)
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    Mel, I think you're going to be fine! You are always WELL UNDER your calorie goal and I think it was your body's way of saying, "I'M HUNGRY!" It's ok! I had mine(binge) three days in a row this week and didn't exercise, either. I usually exercise EVERYDAY. I was platueaing and frustrated and TIRED! I actually lost weight all 3 days that I wasn't exercising and going over my calorie goal. And one day I went over by more than a thousand calories. You have lost ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN POUNDS!! You are doing awesome! Don't beat yourself up for it. It's not going to hurt your progress! :D

    I know I am- and possibly thought it could be cos I was ill last week so my body maybe catching up but I ate and ate and ate without stopping and now I feel very uncomfortably full. I'm sorry you had a rough week last week honey, but that's great you still lost weight- you look absolutely fantastic in ur profile picture, I'm very jealous of you :-P! I know it won't, just felt a bit lonely about doing it and felt strange so wanted a bit of solidarity and a wee fitnesspal pick-me-up! x
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    I have binge days as well. I haven't had one in a while, but those things sure do creep up pretty fast! You obviously know what you're doing, looking at the big loss that you have accomplished. It's someone said earlier, you can't be perfect 100% of the time, and it's what you do afterwards that will make the difference between binging one day or 5 days. Even if you can't figure out what's going on right now that's okay. It will eventually come up...whatever it is! :)
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    i had a wedding to go to today and i was looking forward to going there and lookin pretty good in a dress that hasn't fit me in 6 years. i was getting dressed and i asked for help with my zipper. my idiot husband wouldn't put down his donut to help so he tried to do it one handed and ended up pulling the zipper right off the dress. had nothing else to where but maternity outfit from 50 pounds ago. wore it and felt like absolute crap. ate way too much and way too richly at wedding. didn't excercise at all. i sat and pouted and felt miserable and still do. 910 calories over budget today. ugh....i forgot a rum and coke time to go add that into the calorie count. ugh, ugh, UGH!!!!! oh well tomorrow is another day.
  • irishpagan
    irishpagan Posts: 30
    Not today, but yesterday. I did great all day till evening came and I wanted chocolate. So I made some chocolate pudding with rice milk, which meant I had to 1/2 the liquid because it doesn't thicken like with regular milk. With it making 2 servings instead of 4, I proceeded to eat all of it. And it was delicious. It was sugar free/fat free so I don't feel as bad, but then I got hungry because I was up all night and made a sandwich too. Needless to say I went over my calorie goal by a couple hundred.

    Sandra, that's so sad! What a disappointment. I hope you get your dress fixed!!! Wear it and be fabulous!
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    i had a wedding to go to today and i was looking forward to going there and lookin pretty good in a dress that hasn't fit me in 6 years. i was getting dressed and i asked for help with my zipper. my idiot husband wouldn't put down his donut to help so he tried to do it one handed and ended up pulling the zipper right off the dress. had nothing else to where but maternity outfit from 50 pounds ago. wore it and felt like absolute crap. ate way too much and way too richly at wedding. didn't excercise at all. i sat and pouted and felt miserable and still do. 910 calories over budget today. ugh....i forgot a rum and coke time to go add that into the calorie count. ugh, ugh, UGH!!!!! oh well tomorrow is another day.

    Do you have any other weddings/special occasions coming up? If I were you, I'd find a bit of money from somewhere and go shopping and buy myself a new beautiful dress that I know I'll look gorgeous in! Then as well, focusing on that upcoming event will stop future binges? Who knows! I'm sorry you felt so awful though; things like that have happened to me before and it's so easy to just eat the pain away... but then you're still left with the pain I guess. Really hope you feel better tomorrow, they say it takes a deficit of 3500 cals/pound so really the max damage you;'ll have done is 1/4 of a pound if that makes you feel better!!! And I'm sure you looked lovely- baggy is in right now lol! Plus 50 pounds ago- that's a great amount of progress so well done!!! xxx
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    It didn't sound like a binge until you got to the sweets, lol. Next time, a little less sweets. Binge on healthy stuff like the chicken & prawn skewers ;) (YUM, btw!)

    Yeah the chicken and prawn skewers were amazing......... Chicken in a sticky bbq marinade with courgette, mushroom, red pepper, aubergine, onion and tomato pieces... A little burnt but man I love chargrilled veggies. I'm having leftovers for dinner tomorrow- it would be rude not to :tongue: xxx
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Yep, me too, It was my little girls 3rd birthday and not only did I have a piece of cake on her birthday Friday, but another on Sat and Sun. but I worked out and it was budgeted in my calories but now I wish I hadn;'t blown them all on cake, but it is the best cake ever!!!! Anyway, I don't consider it binging or falling off because I am not dieting this time but getting healthy...before when I was on a diet, this would be all it would take to call it quits but now, being healthy, I just start fresh the next day.......and besides, the cake is gone. HA!!!!
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