Fitbit Advice please!!

suzeexoxo Posts: 170 Member
edited December 2014 in Health and Weight Loss
Im thinking of getting a Fitbit but would like
to hear from people that have one. What model is better? My main goal is to track calories burned throughout the day so I know how much to consume. Also to track calories burned through workout. I currently have a Polar FT4 HRM which I like but it only tracks the calories burned through working out.. How happy are you with your Fitbit ? Is it worth it?


  • blueakama
    blueakama Posts: 399 Member
    If you get no replies, search on fitbit. It's been talked about before :)
  • jstavix
    jstavix Posts: 407 Member
    I have the fitbit one, it clips on my slacks. I like it for the most part. I love that I can see how many steps I have taken, if I have climbed stairs, etc. Though, I don't like that I will be working out, I mean working. it. hard. and it will say 15 minutes of very active movement. I climbed a mountain for two hours and came back down and it was "You had 25 very active minutes" It also tracks your sleep, how many times you wake up etc. All in all, I like it very much, are there things they could change? Yeah, but it was worth it to me :) Hope this helps a little.
  • beriojones
    beriojones Posts: 1 Member
    I find the fitbit (and the way it auto adjusts the calorie goals to match your activity) very motivational - I´ve been really surprised by how motivating it is. I think it is mainly because you keep seeing how much that one lazy day affects your figures for the week. It´s a good choice if your goal is to be consistently more active all day everyday, but if you do regular organised exercise and have a sedentary job a heart rate monitor is probably better.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I love Fitbits but I would say they don't 'track calories burned' so much as estimate it. And you can get an estimate from MFP. But if you like the motivation to move more, they're good for that. Or if some days you have a lot more activity and want to see it reflected in your calorie goal, it helps. But for weight loss or weight maintenance, you can get all the info you need about your average calorie burn from just tracking your intake and weight, and that's going to be more accurate than a gadget.

    Misfit Pulse is on sale all over for $25. Maybe try one of those first?
  • suzeexoxo
    suzeexoxo Posts: 170 Member
    Thanks to All of you that replied!! It helps :D
  • CharleneMarie723
    CharleneMarie723 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm waiting for the FitBit Charge HR. Should be out in early 2015.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    A Fitbit is a glorified pedometer. A HRM is a training device. Neither do the same thing and are very different devices.