Thoughts or experience with Intermittent fasting?

I'd really like to hear from people that have tried this....
Negative or positive results.. ?


  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    It helps me stay in my calorie goals
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited December 2014
    I've been doing alternate day fasting for 2mths. It's the only way I've managed to lose weight and keep it off!
    I've lost 9kgs, 4 more to go :D

    When I get down to my goal weight I'll be doing 6:1 to maintain.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,226 Member
    it helps, it i like it. i'll do it again if i have the chance
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I used to do it but it did not really fit into my lifestyle…I did like it.

    I will just say that it is not going to make fat come off easier, or anything like that. It is just another strategy to create a calorie deficit…

    There is an IF group on here that you can join, or you can check out
  • sabrinalynn777
    sabrinalynn777 Posts: 14 Member
    What are your routines? Like an average day when it comes to eating?
  • sabrinalynn777
    sabrinalynn777 Posts: 14 Member
    Or how many days do you fast... things like that. Do you fast or just have a very low calorie intake some days? ... Just wondering about stuff like that.
  • sabrinalynn777
    sabrinalynn777 Posts: 14 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I used to do it but it did not really fit into my lifestyle…I did like it.

    I will just say that it is not going to make fat come off easier, or anything like that. It is just another strategy to create a calorie deficit…

    There is an IF group on here that you can join, or you can check out

    Helpful info, thanks
  • court_alacarte
    court_alacarte Posts: 219 Member
    Or how many days do you fast... things like that. Do you fast or just have a very low calorie intake some days? ... Just wondering about stuff like that.

    there are sooo many different ways to do it:

    i personally do the 5:2 - two days out of the week i only eat 500 calories (as a woman; for men, it's 600 calories a day) and then up to your TDEE on the other days. yes, it doesn't necessarily expedite the weight-losing process, however i feel like it has shrunk my stomach; so ultimately on my normal eating days, i don't feel the need to eat as much.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Or how many days do you fast... things like that. Do you fast or just have a very low calorie intake some days? ... Just wondering about stuff like that.

    I'm not sure who your question was directed to, but this is what I do.

    I fast every second day. On up days I have 1550 calories or a little bit under. On fast days it's up to 500 calories.
    I'm not perfect, some days I go over the 500 calories, but I'm still consistently losing weight every week.

  • TheHumanMachine
    TheHumanMachine Posts: 19 Member
    Today was my 4th day doing a 23 hour fast, personally I like it. Having the 1 hour cut off really helps me curb eating again outside of the ~1500 kcal meal I have for the day. I find that I am not hungry 95% of the time and if I do get hungry I drink water. It's really put my eating habits(I have found that I eat out of habit 9.99/10 times) into perspective so that I can hopefully correct them.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited December 2014
    Wait a minute...How is consuming 500 calories FASTING?? In my definition IF means not eating anything for a specified period of time. NOT cutting calories for a specified period of time. If you are scheduled to have a medical test FASTING that means NOTHING but water for the stated time.
  • kcd1961
    kcd1961 Posts: 126 Member
    Works here. Need to track on non-fast days. It got me down from 103kg to under 88 now. Helped me break the 90kg barrier where I had been stuck for a year. It's just another way of CICO. It does two important things. It helps you understand and get better at accepting genuine hunger. It also means that you can eat at maintenance level 4-6 days per week. And @cindytw - it's just terminonlogy. You're right, technically it should be called Intermittent VLCD - but doesn't have the same ring :-)
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    kcd1961 wrote: »
    Works here. Need to track on non-fast days. It got me down from 103kg to under 88 now. Helped me break the 90kg barrier where I had been stuck for a year. It's just another way of CICO. It does two important things. It helps you understand and get better at accepting genuine hunger. It also means that you can eat at maintenance level 4-6 days per week. And @cindytw - it's just terminonlogy. You're right, technically it should be called Intermittent VLCD - but doesn't have the same ring :-)

    So what the folks here with the 500 calories REALLY mean is calorie cycling, NOT IF. IF means NOTHING but water. Calorie cycling is a whole different thing with other reasoning for it.
  • Medilia
    Medilia Posts: 230 Member
    At the moment I am doing 14 hour fasts which I found has helped me a lot. I hadn't lost any weight in a month despite eating well and exercising. My first week of fasting I dropped half a kilo. I find it a great way to keep me from eating too much (although some days like today I struggle to hit my Calorie goal)
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    Medilia wrote: »
    At the moment I am doing 14 hour fasts which I found has helped me a lot. I hadn't lost any weight in a month despite eating well and exercising. My first week of fasting I dropped half a kilo. I find it a great way to keep me from eating too much (although some days like today I struggle to hit my Calorie goal)

    YES, THIS is IF!!
  • fluffyasacat
    fluffyasacat Posts: 242 Member
    edited December 2014
    I'm doing EOD, love it, will do some form of it for the rest of my (hopefully extended) life.

    I alternate between TDEE*25% days and TDEE*125% days. This creates a 25% deficit overall. I used to log every day but recently I've stopped logging on the 125% days. I've lost 24.5lbs in 18 weeks. Exercise is incidental but I walk a lot at work (large university campus).

    The graph is in kg, not lbs.

    @cindytw thanks for the useful clarification.

  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    love it, easiest way to stay in a deficit for me
  • I had my most success, mentally and physically doing EOD. I am strongly considering going back to it.
    I did not count calories on eating day and had 300-400 cal the second day, 300 of which was burned off thru exercise. I went down 20 lbs rather quickly (didn't track back then so maybe 2-2.5 months)

    Once you get past the first week it becomes your normal. This thread has re-perked my interest in it. I do ok on structured diet plans and have no issue restricting as needed most times..but I feel I start to get to obsessed when I count calories. I liked the freedom of not worrying about what I ate on eat days. I liked not stressing about intake. I am kind of in a weird state right now. Not wanting to let go of calorie counting, yet wanting my freedom back to eat without much planning.
  • klmab9
    klmab9 Posts: 15 Member
    I am currently doing EOD- I love it so far. I just completed the first week, which they say is the hardest. The "down days" (500 cals, give or take) are getting easier and easier. I was worried that I would want to binge on my "up days" but if anything, I've been less hungry.

    Good luck with whatever you end up doing! :smile:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Check out the group and in particular the FAQ.

    To those doing EOD fasting, please make sure you eat enough on your eating days which means AT LEAST maintenance, if not more. And be aware of any possible GI issues that can arise.