Diabetic and FODMAP newbie - getting enough calories is a chore

In short - I am looking for suggestions for easy food preferably calorie dense that fit into a low FODMAP and diabetic diet. Any suggestions? (especially ones that can be packed to go for once uni starts up again)

So recently diagnosed pre-diabetic/diabetic (right on the border) and IBS. My IBS is responding really well to a low FODMAP diet and the chronic fatigue I have had for years is vanishing dramatically.

It does make for fairly restrictive eating and I eat a lot of raw salad veggie stuff so by about 1000 calories I am really full.
I love fruit but I am finding I get a crash if I eat it by itself. (maybe eat with protein like nuts?)

Stats (in case it is relevant)

BMR 1803,
TDEE 2163 (little or no exercise desk job)
CW 114.5 kilo (252.4 pounds)
AGE 46
Height 167 cm

GW 58 kilo (BMI 20) (127.8 pounds)

124.6 pounds to lose (56.5 kilos)
Diary is open


  • Charlottesometimes23
    Do you restrict all fodmap categories? Have you tried to gradually introduce specific categories to help identify which FODMAPS are the problem? You may find that some categories are ok for you and that will give you more choices.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Do you restrict all fodmap categories? Have you tried to gradually introduce specific categories to help identify which FODMAPS are the problem? You may find that some categories are ok for you and that will give you more choices.

    The doc is sending me to a nutritionist after christmas to start working all this out so I am going blind here at the moment. I didn't even know it was a "thing"until about 2 weeks ago.

    I am hoping it won't be too restricting later. I seem ok on quinoa but pretty well any other grain is really bad reaction wise. Lactose very small quantities maybe a coffee a day.

    I had mango which I think is high fodmap and I seemed ok on that.

    I could do with some ideas of what to eat with food snacks so its less of a sugar spike. Maybe protein or fats?
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Ill be glad when I have it all figured out because I spend the whole day thinking about food at the moment which is incredibly boring.
  • Charlottesometimes23
    Charlottesometimes23 Posts: 687 Member
    edited December 2014
    Do you restrict all fodmap categories? Have you tried to gradually introduce specific categories to help identify which FODMAPS are the problem? You may find that some categories are ok for you and that will give you more choices.

    The doc is sending me to a nutritionist after christmas to start working all this out so I am going blind here at the moment. I didn't even know it was a "thing"until about 2 weeks ago.

    I am hoping it won't be too restricting later. I seem ok on quinoa but pretty well any other grain is really bad reaction wise. Lactose very small quantities maybe a coffee a day.

    I had mango which I think is high fodmap and I seemed ok on that.

    I could do with some ideas of what to eat with food snacks so its less of a sugar spike. Maybe protein or fats?

    Oh that's good. They should be able to help you figure it out. In the meantime, many plain yogurts are lactose free (check if lactase is an ingredient and if so, they're good), and lactose free milk is quite nice (I use it by choice because I like the taste), hard cheese should be fine. Are you ok with oats? Meats and fats will be fine. Do you like eggs? Maybe hard boiled eggs for snacks. Are you in Australia? Have you tried Aussie Body protein bars? They're delicious, low carb and high protein so should be fine for blood glucose.

    There are some good recipes here. lowfodmap.com

  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    checking out the site now. cheers :)