Motorcycle/Spyder riding

Okay, I found a post from last year discussing the calories burned riding a motorcycle, and there wasn't a lot of agreement on the calorie burn. I agree that there are more calories burned on a motorcycle/Spyder than if you're driving a car or sitting still. I ride a Spyder, and even though I don't have to hold it up when stopped, or lean as much as a motorcycle, it is still using calories. Would anyone have any idea how many calories an hour is burned? I use the 3 calories a minute, which would come up to 180 calories an hour. I don't think that's too high.


  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    Less than you burn taking a poo.

    Seriously, tho, are you really wanting to count the calories burn while riding? Or are you just curious?
  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    I noticed on my fuelband, when I ride my scoot that it counts higher. Not sure if this is a product of the vibration, wind or whatever. I can see riding a bike burning more calories than driving a car but the amount I think would be small and not worth the time to try and decipher.
  • mystarwillshine
    mystarwillshine Posts: 21 Member
    Mostly curious than anything else. Even if I do record them, I don't eat them back!