Life is easier at 274

So here is my story I stated at 315 in July I am now at 275 and these are things that have gotten easier for me

My Clothes fit this is really nice. I know longer change as soon I come home I have more options than sweat pants

I know longer feel like the fattest guy at the gym. I have ran for 40 min at a pace of 5.1 around 4 Miles.

Running is easier I could only run for 1 min when I started now 40

I don't feel guilty about being fat I am doing something about it so this has helped my confidence

I am not as hungry all the time even though I am eating less. This may seem weird but I eat half of what I use to but feel full for longer. Protein is the key.

I don't feel bad if I make bad eating choices (popcorn). I now know that eating health will be a part of my life forever so if I make 90% good choices 10% bad is not the end of the world.

I am not as tired I use to nap ever day now I don't nap and I am rarely tired though out the day. Stopping snoring has been HUGE.

My question is this if I feel this good at 275 pounds how great am I going to feel at 240 or 200. This is one of many things that keep me Motivated.

Talk to you at 240


  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Hey it sounds like you're doing great, and congrats on all of those rewards for your hard work!!

    I'm curious because I've seen other people post the same thing - what's so bad about popcorn?
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Great job. The first 10% does make a huge difference in my experience. It gets better as you go down. Sometimes the scales stop going down in my case but the inches keep going down here there and yonder. :)
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    edited December 2014
    Nice job! I started at 318 so I know how you feel. Keep me posted @ 240. :wink:
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    DUDE!!! So happy for you. Excellent work. I started @ 375 in late January and as of today I am at 296.5. ^5
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Amazing and very inspirational. Congratulations on your progress.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You are doing great. These are wonderful improvements. :mrgreen:
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I could have written the same post myself (except he can run longer than I can! I'm working on it.)! Great job and great feeling!
  • etalley73
    etalley73 Posts: 2 Member
    So here is my story I stated at 315 in July I am now at 275 and these are things that have gotten easier for me

    My Clothes fit this is really nice. I know longer change as soon I come home I have more options than sweat pants

    I know longer feel like the fattest guy at the gym. I have ran for 40 min at a pace of 5.1 around 4 Miles.

    Running is easier I could only run for 1 min when I started now 40

    I don't feel guilty about being fat I am doing something about it so this has helped my confidence

    I am not as hungry all the time even though I am eating less. This may seem weird but I eat half of what I use to but feel full for longer. Protein is the key.

    I don't feel bad if I make bad eating choices (popcorn). I now know that eating health will be a part of my life forever so if I make 90% good choices 10% bad is not the end of the world.

    I am not as tired I use to nap ever day now I don't nap and I am rarely tired though out the day. Stopping snoring has been HUGE.

    My question is this if I feel this good at 275 pounds how great am I going to feel at 240 or 200. This is one of many things that keep me Motivated.

    Talk to you at 240

    Nice story. My husband is currently 338. He used to be 200 long time ago. How many calories do you eat per day and what is your weekly goal? Im asking because my husband has set his goal at 2 pounds per week right now and it allows him to eat 2050 calories a day without excersise. It works good for him so far.

    Thanks :)
  • dstevens1414
    dstevens1414 Posts: 6 Member
    I set my goal as 2 pounds a week this allowed me 1950 after weight loss the number gets adjusted it is now 1770. I have only ran 40 min once but it felt great.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    That is so awesome that you feel this way!! Keep going and tell us how you feel in another month. I'll bet you will feel even better :)
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Congrat's on the success so far! Keep plugging away. :star:
    So here is my story I stated at 315 in July I am now at 275 ...
    My question is this if I feel this good at 275 pounds how great am I going to feel at 240 or 200.
    I started at 275 in January, and am at 205+/- now.
    It feels amazing.
    I have so much more energy, and I'm starting to enjoy how I look.

  • lavaflow99
    lavaflow99 Posts: 61 Member
    Congrats and keep up the good work!!!!!