25 year old new mom

mamaelephant1989 Posts: 8
edited December 2014 in Introduce Yourself
Im new here. 25 years old and a new mom. I started my weight loss journey in January of 2013. I was just out of a bad 7 year relationship and ready to live my life and get healthy and fit for me. I was at my all time heaviest of 250lbs. By october i was down to 180lbs. I ran into an old high school love, we reconnected and my weight loss slowed. By February 2014 I was at my lowest weight in my adult life. 173lbs. Thats when I found out I was pregnant. Babies were never supposed to happen for me so I was over the moon with excitement. Of course with pregnancy comes weight gain. I now have my beautiful daughter and here i am looking to lose all the weight I regained. Feel free to friend me.

SW 12/14/2014: 200.2lbs
GW: 125lbs


  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    Hi, welcome, and congratulations!! I was also 173 lbs when I got pregnant with mine. It was the heaviest I had ever been. The day I went into labor I was 235 lbs. Two weeks later I went down to 190. I slowly got to 170-180 where I pretty much stayed for 3 years. I was also dealing with problems caused by my low blood sugar which made it difficult to lose weight (can't lose weight if you have to eat to keep your blood sugar up all the time) and when I was able to exercise it seemed to have a negative impact on my milk supply (my daughter was nursed for 32 months). I've lost 18 lbs in two months..and still have a ways to go. My goal is the same as yours.

    Feel free to add me.

    Best of luck! We can do it!