Your experience with birth control and weight loss

So I had to stop taking my birth control pills a few months ago because they were not compatible with a medication I was taking. I did not just stop them on my own, my MD told me I needed to stop taking them. Anyway, I am no longer on that medication so I am reconsidering going back on BC. I know only my MD can really tell me which ones I should take and I have an apt with her for next week. I am just curious if anyone is taking one that does not seem to be hindering their weightloss/make them gain weight. I would like to be able to go to the apt prepared to mention types people have had a good experience with as far as weight goes. Unfortunately any injectable forms I can't use due to additives.


  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    I went through 4 types when I was young (20-22) and for pain and menstrual issues another 3 types when I was 38. NOPE! You cannot MAKE me take that stuff!! It messed me up big-time!! When I took it initially I was an active college student, went to the gym and also was a waitress 35 hours a week!! YET I gained 40# off the snap and had hideous cravings!! I actually stopped seeing my OB/GYN over this it was a HE and HE didn't believe me! This resolved when I stopped the pills, I went back to normal. I went on a second time for hideous cramping, and then it just made me eat an have my period 2 weeks a month but light flow. No thanks. I got sore from using tampons as long as that took!

    Anyone thinking something is wrong with me, sadly it isn't! I had all types of invasive testing. Nope, just hormones.

    Be cautious, observe how you feel, and don't let any doctor tell you its in your head!! It ISN"T!
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    cindytw wrote: »
    I went through 4 types when I was young (20-22) and for pain and menstrual issues another 3 types when I was 38. NOPE! You cannot MAKE me take that stuff!! It messed me up big-time!! When I took it initially I was an active college student, went to the gym and also was a waitress 35 hours a week!! YET I gained 40# off the snap and had hideous cravings!! I actually stopped seeing my OB/GYN over this it was a HE and HE didn't believe me! This resolved when I stopped the pills, I went back to normal. I went on a second time for hideous cramping, and then it just made me eat an have my period 2 weeks a month but light flow. No thanks. I got sore from using tampons as long as that took!

    Anyone thinking something is wrong with me, sadly it isn't! I had all types of invasive testing. Nope, just hormones.

    Be cautious, observe how you feel, and don't let any doctor tell you its in your head!! It ISN"T!

    Irregular and ridiculously long periods is the reason I started the. In the first place. When I stopped I went back to the 2 weeks of bleeding every 2-3 months. I am considering asking about nuvo ring since I tend to be bad at remembering to take a pill lol. I just don't know anyone who's taken it to ask to ask their experience on it.
  • wteachwo
    wteachwo Posts: 19 Member
    I am not in the camp that believes birth control itself makes you gain weight. I've had issues with my weight yo-yoing both on and off the birth control pill.

    That said, I CAN NOT be on the pill. My doc says that I am probably sensitive to the estrogen component. I become a weepy mess, fly off the handle, and have crazy heartburn. Did I mention I become a sobbing hyena woman? One way I cope is to overeat and binge/indulge, and since I was feeling unhinged I think I indulged a bit too much.

    I've had the Mirena for almost a year now and THAT is a birth control method I can get behind. Beyond being the "set it and forget it" birth control that you never have to worry about missing a pill or having it break, its hormones are localized to your uterus and you don't get the craziness that a BC pill might provide. I do get a little bloated and some breast tenderness around the time I would be getting my period, but that goes away very quickly.
  • christineja
    christineja Posts: 22 Member
    I agree that some will make you gain weight--I had one type that made me crazy hungry and when I demanded a switch (had to demand because they wouldn't believe it was the pill) the issue went away, no weight gain. I think it was OrthoNovum that worked, but it was a long time ago. I'd tell your doc your concerns about weight gain and see what s/he advises.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    wteachwo wrote: »
    I am not in the camp that believes birth control itself makes you gain weight. I've had issues with my weight yo-yoing both on and off the birth control pill.

    That said, I CAN NOT be on the pill. My doc says that I am probably sensitive to the estrogen component. I become a weepy mess, fly off the handle, and have crazy heartburn. Did I mention I become a sobbing hyena woman? One way I cope is to overeat and binge/indulge, and since I was feeling unhinged I think I indulged a bit too much.

    I've had the Mirena for almost a year now and THAT is a birth control method I can get behind. Beyond being the "set it and forget it" birth control that you never have to worry about missing a pill or having it break, its hormones are localized to your uterus and you don't get the craziness that a BC pill might provide. I do get a little bloated and some breast tenderness around the time I would be getting my period, but that goes away very quickly.

    I had asked my MD about an IUD before but she doesn't want to do it since I've never had kids. I will bring it up again though.

  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I had Mirena put in on July 25 and no problems yet.

    This is how things have gone so far:
    (trend line is actually below 165 now)



    While it's not causing me any problems that doesn't mean that it's not possible for you to have negative effects with it. Everyone's body handles BC differently.
  • wteachwo
    wteachwo Posts: 19 Member
    Hmm. I've never had kids either and my doc had no problem with me having it placed. Furthermore, I've had no complications from it. The old adage that you need to have kids before you get the IUD is kind of outdated from what I understand, too. I've done a ton of research on the IUD/Mirena and it can be *easier* for placement but that is not a requirement to have it. I really recommend it since it's no fuss and pretty foolproof for preventing pregnancy (which is what I'm using mine for--I know some ladies use it for abatement of other PMS symptoms).
  • wteachwo
    wteachwo Posts: 19 Member
    To also expand on your original question, YMMV (your mileage may vary) with different pills. What works for one chick will NOT work for another, and so on.

    I was on Yasmin for 7 years and had zero issues before my body began to slightly change over time (I attribute to my hormone levels fluctuating as I got older since I started on Yasmin when I was 16) and it made me nuts. I tried Ocella and a mini-pill I forget the name of (Mircette?) and both had the same effect on me. (Did Yasmin for 7 years, got off pills for a bit. Then, I was on Ocella for a year, got off BC pills for 2 years then was on the mini-pill one for about 6 months, and I'll say my weight didn't change whether I was on the freaking pills or not!)

    I know women who have had phenomenal success with Ocella, and others that hate it, and then others that swear by the Nuva Ring, and others that despise it, etc. Just depends on your body and how it reacts to it.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    From what I read on here it's not so much the actual birth control that makes people gain but the effect it has on their hormones, which cause some to overeat, feel sluggish, and/or retain water easily. Personally I never felt/saw a difference in my weight being on bc.
    Because of a blood disorder, my gyn advised me away from birth control containing hormones so I have no recommendations. Good luck op
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I had Mirena put in on July 25 and no problems yet.

    This is how things have gone so far:
    (trend line is actually below 165 now)



    While it's not causing me any problems that doesn't mean that it's not possible for you to have negative effects with it. Everyone's body handles BC differently.

    Wow! Way to go on your loss! Seeing your graph actually makes me hopeful I can do the same if I do go back on BC.
    wteachwo wrote: »
    To also expand on your original question, YMMV (your mileage may vary) with different pills. What works for one chick will NOT work for another, and so on.

    I was on Yasmin for 7 years and had zero issues before my body began to slightly change over time (I attribute to my hormone levels fluctuating as I got older since I started on Yasmin when I was 16) and it made me nuts. I tried Ocella and a mini-pill I forget the name of (Mircette?) and both had the same effect on me. (Did Yasmin for 7 years, got off pills for a bit. Then, I was on Ocella for a year, got off BC pills for 2 years then was on the mini-pill one for about 6 months, and I'll say my weight didn't change whether I was on the freaking pills or not!)

    I know women who have had phenomenal success with Ocella, and others that hate it, and then others that swear by the Nuva Ring, and others that despise it, etc. Just depends on your body and how it reacts to it.

    I think it was placement she was worried about but ill ask her specifically why she thought it wasn't for me. Not having to worry about missing a pill would be awesome.

    I was on orthotricyclin but had to stop because there was red due in them. I was switched to generess, which didnt have weight gain but also didnt control my periods well at all.
  • wteachwo
    wteachwo Posts: 19 Member
    Yeah, definitely ask her about that one. You can for sure get it if you haven't had children.

    If you do go the pill route, best of luck to you. You may need to try a few before you find the magical glass slipper for your body.
  • jrose1982
    jrose1982 Posts: 366 Member
    I get the depo shot every 3 months. I don't think it's hindered my weight loss, but I do think I retain more water on it. I'm on a low-carb diet and that combined with dry winters usually has me battling dehydration. Not so much this year. I also never had that quick weight loss that I usually get when I restart my diet (which is a sign of water loss). I also notice that if I have a cheat day (and over do it on my carbs) I'll gain 3-4 lbs where I used to only gain 1-2. Like I said, I think I'm just retaining more water than I used to.
  • imarockstarxoxo
    I started with the Depo, gained 10-15 lbs over a year and half but otherwise no issues. Then I had Mirena, I had done my research and it sounded like the best option plus my doctor told me that many women stop getting their periods on it. I lost maybe 8lbs originally. The first 4 months or so it seemed to be great but then I started getting terrible cramping pain and I would bleed sporadically, sometimes for weeks at a time, breaking out (I've always been pretty lucky with my skin), depression, and fluctuating weight. I could lose some one week but then it was like I gained it all back overnight the next.
    I've had the NuvaRing over a year now, never had any issues with anything and I'd say I feel the best on it.
    But it really all depends on how your hormones interact with the birth control though, everyone has a different experience.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    From what I read on here it's not so much the actual birth control that makes people gain but the effect it has on their hormones, which cause some to overeat, feel sluggish, and/or retain water easily. Good luck op

    This is how I feel about it. I've been on BC for about ten years now and I have been chubby and thin and everything in between. I have been on a couple different kinds as well. When I eat too many calories, I gain weight. When I have a calorie deficit, I lose weight. I don't know, maybe I've been on it so long that I don't recognize the weight effects, but I doubt it would be easier for me to lose weight it if I were off it. At the end of the day, at least for me, it just depends on how I respond to cravings and feeling sluggish.

  • Lalalindaloo
    Lalalindaloo Posts: 204 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    wteachwo wrote: »
    I am not in the camp that believes birth control itself makes you gain weight. I've had issues with my weight yo-yoing both on and off the birth control pill.

    That said, I CAN NOT be on the pill. My doc says that I am probably sensitive to the estrogen component. I become a weepy mess, fly off the handle, and have crazy heartburn. Did I mention I become a sobbing hyena woman? One way I cope is to overeat and binge/indulge, and since I was feeling unhinged I think I indulged a bit too much.

    I've had the Mirena for almost a year now and THAT is a birth control method I can get behind. Beyond being the "set it and forget it" birth control that you never have to worry about missing a pill or having it break, its hormones are localized to your uterus and you don't get the craziness that a BC pill might provide. I do get a little bloated and some breast tenderness around the time I would be getting my period, but that goes away very quickly.

    I had asked my MD about an IUD before but she doesn't want to do it since I've never had kids. I will bring it up again though.

    I've never had kids and had the Mirena. I loved it. It's out now and I haven't replaced it because... well, I haven't had the need. When that need comes up again though, that will be my choice. I had no side effects because it's very localized hormones (at least that is how it was explained to me). ALSO< the health care law means it can be covered by my insurance now when it wasn't before.

    I will say that never having given birth... the insertion was apparently more complicated than usual and I had some bleeding because he had to dilate me a little. I went home that afternoon and took a nap though and other than some spotting for a few days, I was good to go right after that. And then I had a very light period every few months for years. That was great.

    NuvaRing is one size fits all except for a very few of which I was one. LOL.

    Depo - had side effects. Weight gain and hair thinning.
  • Lalalindaloo
    Lalalindaloo Posts: 204 Member
    edited December 2014
    I had Mirena put in on July 25 and no problems yet.

    This is how things have gone so far:
    (trend line is actually below 165 now)



    While it's not causing me any problems that doesn't mean that it's not possible for you to have negative effects with it. Everyone's body handles BC differently.

    No intention to hijack, but -- Respect for your tracking/documenting/charting skills.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    edited December 2014
    I had a lot of problems with the pill. I am very sensitive and would get insomnia, acne, and other unpleasant side effects. I started using the Nuva Ring a few years ago and I LOVE it. I had no side effects whatsoever. The localized application reduces the risk of side effects.

    By the way, I haven't tried it, but I thought I'd tell you that several doctors over the years have told me that they get the most complaints about Depo, by far. It is the most likely to cause weight gain and acne. Of course, not everyone has those problems, but if you're sensitive, I would stay away from Depo.
  • Mediocrates55
    Mediocrates55 Posts: 326 Member
    Everyone is so different. The pill made me a total rageb*tch, nutty as all get-out. Mirena tried to kill me and I bled CONSTANTLY for four months. My husband and I joked it was the ultimate in birth control because sex was the last thing on my mind. I've been on and off depo since I was 16 and it's been the golden ticket for me. No mood swings, no weight gain that wasn't my own fault. Also, zero cramps, zero periods, zero bloating, zero hormonal fluctuations.
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
  • tawnygnosis
    wteachwo wrote: »
    I am not in the camp that believes birth control itself makes you gain weight. I've had issues with my weight yo-yoing both on and off the birth control pill.

    That said, I CAN NOT be on the pill. My doc says that I am probably sensitive to the estrogen component. I become a weepy mess, fly off the handle, and have crazy heartburn. Did I mention I become a sobbing hyena woman? One way I cope is to overeat and binge/indulge, and since I was feeling unhinged I think I indulged a bit too much.

    I've had the Mirena for almost a year now and THAT is a birth control method I can get behind. Beyond being the "set it and forget it" birth control that you never have to worry about missing a pill or having it break, its hormones are localized to your uterus and you don't get the craziness that a BC pill might provide. I do get a little bloated and some breast tenderness around the time I would be getting my period, but that goes away very quickly.

    Yep, that's what I use as well. I still experience mild PMS and spotting but that's it! I couldn't tolerate anything else besides yasmin, and I would get lazy about taking it everyday. So this method is perfect. I've had it for four months and it was kind of a *kitten* to get inserted but after that no complications whatsoever.