Waking up hungry


I've been on MFP since January 2012 and have lost a little over 50lbs. One thing I've been struggling with lately is waking up hungry! I feel so hungry I can't sleep and sometimes even feel nauseas and/or light headed. I cannot fall back asleep unless I have a little snack - After my snack - BOOM! I fall back alseep and have no problems the rest of the night.

I know the difference between craving food and actually being hungry. I'm definitely hungry... I wouldn't get up in the middle of the night to eat unless I felt it absolutely necessary. I'm typically hungry to the point where it hurts my stomach.

I am currently eating 1300-1500 calories a day. I'm typically within all my macros. I eat dinner around 6-7ish and then have a light snack before bed. (Typically some milk with fruit)

Does anyone experience this?! Has anyone had success in finding a solution to the problem?


  • GnomeLove
    GnomeLove Posts: 379
    If you are hungry then you should really eat. Gnawing hunger that keeps you awake is not good. Just pick something healthy. Maybe you are underestimating your activity level?
  • nmb0717
    nmb0717 Posts: 130 Member
    I used to feel lightheaded and nauseous back when I was eating about 1500 calories too. I started eating more. Up your calories 200-300 and see how you feel then! Listen to your body; it's telling you to feed it. Good luck!
  • Jess6385
    Jess6385 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm wondering the same thing about the activity level... I do exercise often. I have a HRM, but sometimes I wonder if I'm not eating enough. If it gets unbearable I do get up and eat... I just feel so bad eating in the middle of the night! Seems so pointless. I'm not hungry before I go to bed. I wish I could just make it thru the night.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    If you are hungry to the point of not being able to sleep, you need more food.
  • Jess6385
    Jess6385 Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks nmb0717 - Maybe I will upp my calories just a bit at a time and see what happens!
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Consider adjusting your macros. I find that I get much better satiety out of the same amount of calories, when it's less carbs, and more protein/fat. That alone has changed everything for me. I have a BIG dinner with lots of protein and fat most nights.

    If you can't do that, make your late night snack something more like full-fat ice cream, just less of it, and see what happens.
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    If you're exercising are you eating back some of the calories? If not that could be an issue, also it's possible that while you think you're eating enough your portions may be smaller than you think meaning fewer calories. You're not alone, I've had this happen once or twice so I get up and have a very small snack usually a protein and then I'm able to drift off comfortably.
  • lurcstet
    lurcstet Posts: 77
    I appreciate the need to minimise calories. However, I am also a big believer in listening to your body and your body is telling you it needs more food, or a different type of food.

    Whats your daily diet consist of? have you cut down significantly on carbs, because this can be a factor?

    You doing the right thing with the milk and fruit before bed, but try something a bit more substantial. Quark is a soft cheese like yogurt and is a great pre bed food and a slow release protien. If you cant get quark greek yogurt with honey or cottage cheese would be good.
  • Jess6385
    Jess6385 Posts: 60 Member
    Dawn - Yep, I'm eating back my exercise calories.

    Saxmaniace - Awesome advice, thank you!
  • lurcstet
    lurcstet Posts: 77
    I'm wondering the same thing about the activity level... I do exercise often. I have a HRM, but sometimes I wonder if I'm not eating enough. If it gets unbearable I do get up and eat... I just feel so bad eating in the middle of the night! Seems so pointless. I'm not hungry before I go to bed. I wish I could just make it thru the night.

    If your working out and not eating enough, this becaomes self destructive and your body will store everything. Likewise your metobolic rate will slow right down.
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Have you figured out your BMR? I'd try eating at least that. Waking up from hunger I would say is a good indication you should probably eat more than you are...
  • Jess6385
    Jess6385 Posts: 60 Member
    I appreciate the need to minimise calories. However, I am also a big believer in listening to your body and your body is telling you it needs more food, or a different type of food.

    Whats your daily diet consist of? have you cut down significantly on carbs, because this can be a factor?

    You doing the right thing with the milk and fruit before bed, but try something a bit more substantial. Quark is a soft cheese like yogurt and is a great pre bed food and a slow release protien. If you cant get quark greek yogurt with honey or cottage cheese would be good.

    Thank you!!!

    My diet is typically eggs in the morning - fruit for a snack - veggies and protein for lunch - dinner is typically veggies and protein -milk and fruit at night .... and then I sneak in the occasional fiber bar, bagel chips... I'm sure my diet could be a heck of a lot better... but it's definitely improving!
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    1300-1500 doesn't sound like it's enough for you then! Did you do TDEE-20%? And you're not underestimating activity?
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Have some kind of protein right before bed. It should keep you full through the night. Casein Protein is great because it is slow digesting.
  • Jess6385
    Jess6385 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 5' 51/2" 150 lbs 27 years old ... I think I'm eating enough :/
  • lurcstet
    lurcstet Posts: 77
    I appreciate the need to minimise calories. However, I am also a big believer in listening to your body and your body is telling you it needs more food, or a different type of food.

    Whats your daily diet consist of? have you cut down significantly on carbs, because this can be a factor?

    You doing the right thing with the milk and fruit before bed, but try something a bit more substantial. Quark is a soft cheese like yogurt and is a great pre bed food and a slow release protien. If you cant get quark greek yogurt with honey or cottage cheese would be good.

    Thank you!!!

    My diet is typically eggs in the morning - fruit for a snack - veggies and protein for lunch - dinner is typically veggies and protein -milk and fruit at night .... and then I sneak in the occasional fiber bar, bagel chips... I'm sure my diet could be a heck of a lot better... but it's definitely improving!

    Ok whats your work out routine... if your doing a lot of cardio, your body will be struggling with this. Try adding some low GI grain into your diet, stuff like quinoa, bulga wheat,, brown rice, sweet potato... Eat your carbs as part of your early meals. I would also be worried that your not getting much in terms of fibre, so grains and low gi carbs will help.

    Also have a small meal right before you go to bed, but something more than just milk... try the yogurt (and not just one of those small pots) or even a protien drink. You need to feed you body as you sleep.
  • AlexisJ330
    AlexisJ330 Posts: 97 Member
    One option is to add a little fat to your snack at night. Some peanut butter, string cheese, some nuts are some options that in moderation will not screw up anything. If the body is not getting enough fat in the diet, it will let you know. It might just be letting you know in the middle of the night. I have had a banana and peanut butter as a snake in the past on recommendation of a nutritionist for the same problem. Hope this helps.
  • Cartridgecaity
    Cartridgecaity Posts: 14 Member

    The exact same thing used to happen to me before I started MFP and was exercising a lot. I would wake up In the middle of the night and feel oddly heavy/ lightheaded & weird. I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep even though I was exhausted. As soon as I ate cereal or something I would be fine!

    It was because I was not eating enough for my active lifestyle. It will still happen every once in a while if I don't eat enough and work out hard. If you're only eating 1300- 1500 and exercising then you are netting below your BMR which is bad. I'm 5'2 ,119 lbs , exercise 5-6 days and eat 1750-1900 a day on average. You will still lose weight by eating more. It may be slower but it is healthier and better in the long run.

    http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ <<<<<< go here to calculate how much you need to eat in a day :)
  • lurcstet
    lurcstet Posts: 77
    Have some kind of protein right before bed. It should keep you full through the night. Casein Protein is great because it is slow digesting.

    Casein protein is a good call! excellent night feed..
  • Jess6385
    Jess6385 Posts: 60 Member
    I appreciate the need to minimise calories. However, I am also a big believer in listening to your body and your body is telling you it needs more food, or a different type of food.

    Whats your daily diet consist of? have you cut down significantly on carbs, because this can be a factor?

    You doing the right thing with the milk and fruit before bed, but try something a bit more substantial. Quark is a soft cheese like yogurt and is a great pre bed food and a slow release protien. If you cant get quark greek yogurt with honey or cottage cheese would be good.

    Thank you!!!

    My diet is typically eggs in the morning - fruit for a snack - veggies and protein for lunch - dinner is typically veggies and protein -milk and fruit at night .... and then I sneak in the occasional fiber bar, bagel chips... I'm sure my diet could be a heck of a lot better... but it's definitely improving!

    Ok whats your work out routine... if your doing a lot of cardio, your body will be struggling with this. Try adding some low GI grain into your diet, stuff like quinoa, bulga wheat,, brown rice, sweet potato... Eat your carbs as part of your early meals. I would also be worried that your not getting much in terms of fibre, so grains and low gi carbs will help.

    Also have a small meal right before you go to bed, but something more than just milk... try the yogurt (and not just one of those small pots) or even a protien drink. You need to feed you body as you sleep.

    Typically my workout routine is to walk or jogg stairs over lunch break (for about 30-45 min) and at home I work out in the evenings 30-60 minutes. I do kettlebells, elliptical and I've recently been doing BeachBody Slim in 6