Who's blaming the food companies in all this?

Not trying to completely pass off responsibility because ultimately I made the choice to eat crap all these years, but I think it is important to recognise that we live in an age where the big food companies really have perfected the art of marketing (peddling) their junk food using our nature and basic human psychological makeup against us to overcome our desire to look good, feel good and be healthy.

Since I have made the decision to resist, I have come to realise just how hard it can be to do so in the face of the tactics deployed against me and my nature. I was in the supermarket on Saturday and couldn't help but notice all the shelf-end cut-price and multi-buy offers for high fat, high sugar junk food in brightly coloured packaging and it definitely was a real struggle to stop myself from dropping some of it in my basket. I wasn't able to use the strategy of simply not venturing down the junk food aisles because it was quite literally everywhere I turned. I actually got to thinking that they really were out to put me in an early grave in order to turn their buck.

With young children so evidently in the marketing cross-hairs of fast and junk food companies and the obvious, sly psychological tricks they use, it's no wonder there is an epidemic of obesity that can only get worse. While these d1cks count their lucre, it is us that ultimately bear the health problems, the spiralling health care costs, the general human misery so evident on these forums and the eventual grief of losing loved ones and leaving loved ones behind.

I have read through quite a lot of the posts on this forum where people are blaming their depression, emotions, grief, marriage etc., etc. for their weight problems, but I think in quite a lot of cases, it is simply these shysters exploiting our genetic pre-disposition to be attracted to high energy foods that countless generations before us relied upon for their very survival.

I for one intend to fully educate myself and then PROACTIVELY educate my daughter about what is going on, the various tactics being used to peddle junk to us and the consequences of succumbing. I have only now come to realise that I do, in fact, have a choice and free will but that it must be exercised consciously and determinedly because the default for me, and I believe for so many others on this forum is to be snared in the web.