No Go!

No go! I find I go days without pooping! Its driving me crazy - because I feel like I have to go, but all I have is GAS.. SO..MUCH..GASSS..


Info: I eat lots of veggies and get as much water as I can handle (which for me - is not alot - I will piss myself!! I am on different meds, anti-depresents, vitamins, and birth control)


  • Slasher09
    Slasher09 Posts: 316 Member
    daily colace (stool softener) or you could try miralax
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Beano for the gas? I use Smooth Move teas if I have trouble going. Are you eating enough fat?
  • shenejm
    shenejm Posts: 16 Member
    My wife suffers the same... very gassy and goes days with out going.. She is on a high dose of iron due to a iron deficiency and her body not being able to absorb and store iron.. with the high dosage of iron it will bind her up.. she takes a stool softener every night. (docusate sodium) and by doing so she is very regular now.. as far as her gas problem by cutting back on the sugars and carbs it has almost eliminated that problem.. With you being on other meds.. I would run it past your doctor before self prescribing... the side effects from one my influence another..
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Before breakfast in the morning drink 4 ounces of prune juice followed, 10 minutes later by 2 large glasses of water.
    Works like a charm but you must drink water!!! So, you'll have to pee a lot-it beats being dehydrated and constipated!
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Two words... Taco Bell.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Call the doctor(s) who prescribed the meds and ask them what to do about the constipation.
  • medusascircle
    medusascircle Posts: 24 Member
    Try prunelax or smooth move tea. Both natural and very effective.