I need motivation

Lately all that has been going on is constant insults and I encouraging remarks from all the people around me, they don't think I need to lose weight and don't understand anything I feel about this. Help please.


  • courtnielove444
    we can help eachother! I have depression and its a ***** getting motivation. I take one stacker 3 a ay and it gives me motivation. but e careful and don't take more than that or you could end up raising your blood pressure or having a heart attack but one will give you a small push. I hope this helps you. We BOTH can do this (: just thirty minutes a day is what im commiting myself too and anything more that I do is just a bonus (:!!
    and try this site recommended by jullian micheals off of biggest loser,
    it helps you calculate your bmi and helps show you the nubers you need for weight loss (:
    good luck girl ima stay posted (:
  • angel_harvey21
    Thanks court :) I love you girl! And I know we can do this.:)
  • musicmint
    musicmint Posts: 469
    You can do it. You can. Yes there will be days when you fail. But you only REALLY FAIL if you quit. KEEP GOING!!!!
  • Miss_Meliss86
    Miss_Meliss86 Posts: 372 Member
    You can do it. You can. Yes there will be days when you fail. But you only REALLY FAIL if you quit. KEEP GOING!!!!

    ^ 100% agree with this :) Take it one day at a time!
  • kregerems
    kregerems Posts: 100 Member
    Hit me up. I'll be your motivation. I'm on every day. I work out 6 days a week. No insults, no pushing. Just a friend to encourage you.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I'm sorry you are going through this.

    It sucks when those around us aren't "onboard" with our goals. The good thing is, these people aren't you, and don't control what you do.

    I've had to get stern with more than one person in my family, and while it is never a fun thing to do, sometimes it has to be done to get the point across.

    People are going to have their thoughts no matter how hard you try to convince them otherwise. I hope they realize at some point that you are doing something for you, and not them.

    Good Luck!
  • galena64
    galena64 Posts: 4
    I need some motivation too...I always seem to fall off the band wagon, feel bad about it, get back on and fall off again. Endless cycle so I am looking for some motivation on here!
  • Scottmcteare
    People who are nasty are normally just jealous of you and what your trying to achieve. Here whenever you need, your beautiful and you will do it. As everyone is saying "one day at a time" big smile
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi I'm on here every day.. You can add me!
  • larlo74
    larlo74 Posts: 45 Member
    I think it's a shame that anyone has to belittle those closest to them. I wonder if it's a "misery loves company" thing. They can't rise to your level of commitment so they try to drag you down.

    Where they are lacking, you can turn to places like this for the encouragement.