P90x Lean or Classic??? coaches or anyone.....

unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
my bf has the p90x dvds and ive been too afraid to do them. I have been doing lots of jillian videos etc for about 3 months. I have not lost much weight but im in a normal BMI. I am 5' 6" maybe 5' 6.5" and weigh 142 witch i have plateaued at now. My goal was 135. But I am still pretty unhappy with my body. Mainly I have stretch marks (obviously wont go away) and some flabby-ness and fat in the thighs and definitely need some all over toning!! I still wanted to weigh between 135-125 since i am still unhappy with my body. I was thinking lean since i was so scared of the program and thought more cardio would be good, but now i think i should do classic since most people say the results are much better. ANY THOUGHTS?? Also, should i up my calories according to the nutrition plan??? it seems like a lot of calories so that scares me since i don't want to gain weight!!! I know it wasn't set up for weight loss but i still have some to lose.

THANKS GUYS!! :heart:


  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Classic .. it burns way more calories than Lean and you'll definitely get faster results.

    As for the calories, it's a lot but easy to gain if you DON'T eat them all! The recovery drink helps; you don't have to buy the formula as chocolate milk works just as well if not better.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Go with Classic. Your body will become a fat burning machine. Believe me, you will burn those extra calories that the nutrition plan asks you to take in.
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    So what do you mean by gain?? gain weight from not eating enough calories (starvation mode)?
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    definitely classic. With p90x you'll find that the exercises are GREAT, the program is GREAT, but when it comes to understanding fitness and nutrition they are below average (hence bs like 'muscle confusion' and the constant sales pitch for beachbody coaches and superfluous supplements).
  • Radkel
    Radkel Posts: 1
    I'd go classic if you want to tone up. Strength & weight training burn more calories than cardio. You may not hit your target weight since muscle weighs more than fat, but you'd be a leaner and more toned 142 and therefore fit into smaller sizes than you do now.
    The meal plan is a bit much from what I've been told. My friend's husband says he felt like he was eating all the time. My suggestion is to eat smart and keep track of it. You may very well need those extra calories.
    I just started P90X today.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    So what do you mean by gain?? gain weight from not eating enough calories (starvation mode)?

    Yeah .. I was one of those people who didn't believe in it when I started and tried to eat 1250 during my first week :blushing:. I gained until I increased the calories.

    I'm finishing up my second round now and found it best when I ate 1800 and dropped to no less than 1600 on rest days, stretch days, and yoga days. Figure that your recovery drink is around 180 calories (2 tbs of chocolate with a cup of 1% milk) or 220 if you buy the bb formula ... and just don't drink it on those days. Easy peasy. :flowerforyou:
  • ShellLynn2
    ShellLynn2 Posts: 3 Member
    Don't let the Lean part of P90X discourage your or steer your wrong, you will still burn a ton of calories and still get toned up doing Lean, you just do not have the plyometrics to worry about (so there is no jumping around). Lean is more about gaining strength, doing each movement properly, and you'll gain LEAN body mass (longer sexier muscle tone, the kind swimmers, runners and dancers have).

    I'm doing P90X Lean because I am recovering from some injuries to my feet, so with the less impact that the Lean program provides I am still able to meet and exceed my weight loss goals. The Lean program still offers your body muscle confusion, which is what P90X is set up on, and this by no means is any sort of 'easy' work out.

    Good luck with your choice, either program is going to beneficial to what you are looking for. I wish you the best.
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    So what do you mean by gain?? gain weight from not eating enough calories (starvation mode)?

    Yeah .. I was one of those people who didn't believe in it when I started and tried to eat 1250 during my first week :blushing:. I gained until I increased the calories.

    I'm finishing up my second round now and found it best when I ate 1800 and dropped to no less than 1600 on rest days, stretch days, and yoga days. Figure that your recovery drink is around 180 calories (2 tbs of chocolate with a cup of 1% milk) or 220 if you buy the bb formula ... and just don't drink it on those days. Easy peasy. :flowerforyou:

    I wouldnt mind eating more!!! just scares me!!! LOL
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    Don't let the Lean part of P90X discourage your or steer your wrong, you will still burn a ton of calories and still get toned up doing Lean, you just do not have the plyometrics to worry about (so there is no jumping around). Lean is more about gaining strength, doing each movement properly, and you'll gain LEAN body mass (longer sexier muscle tone, the kind swimmers, runners and dancers have).

    I'm doing P90X Lean because I am recovering from some injuries to my feet, so with the less impact that the Lean program provides I am still able to meet and exceed my weight loss goals. The Lean program still offers your body muscle confusion, which is what P90X is set up on, and this by no means is any sort of 'easy' work out.

    Good luck with your choice, either program is going to beneficial to what you are looking for. I wish you the best.

    Well when I watched PLYO it looks intense, but Tony said you can do cardio x instead of plyo right on the video so thats what i plan on doing.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Well when I watched PLYO it looks intense, but Tony said you can do cardio x instead of plyo right on the video so thats what i plan on doing.

    If you can keep up with the 30 Day Shred, you can do Plyo X. Tony talks a lot in between each move and lets you catch your breath while in the 30DS you're constantly moving without pause. There's also the pause button.

    You can also alternate between Cardio X and Plyo X at first just to try them and see how it makes you feel.
  • 6packsuzy
    6packsuzy Posts: 1
    I did P90X Lean...and highly recommend it!
    My goal when I started the program was to drop excess weight...I was 42, weighed about 145lbs (I actually never got on the scale), and wore a size 10. When I finished P90X I was 43, weighed 132 (I did weigh myself), and was wearing a size 4 :) I took a little over 90 days because if I missed a workout or two because of work, I would repeat that week...so my 90-days were closer to 104 days.

    I modified P90X Lean slightly...I did Plyo instead of CardioX. Also, when I moved into Phase 3 I switched to classic because you don't do Legs and Back in Phase 3 - Lean...

    I would do Lean just to do Core Synergistics which I think is a FABULOUS workout!!!

    The best way to decided which program to do is...decide what your goal is!
  • I have a question..I JUST got my P90X in the mail...where do I find the Lean schedule vs the Classic? Thanks!
  • KellyAnn143
    KellyAnn143 Posts: 10 Member
    I have a question..I started p90x a long time ago and then stopped :( i am doing other exercises but would like to start p90x again. I am going to stick with the lean program for now but I was wondering what you log the p90x exercises under? For example today i did Kenpo X what should i put that in as?? Thanks for anyone that can help!!
  • KellyAnn, I have a HRM, so I'm adding the workout and calories I burn to the database as I go so they should show up in the database. Today I added my first workout (Classic) as "p90x Day 1 Chest & Back, Ab Ripper" ...I'm switching to the Lean though and I'll start adding that too if you want to steal it :)
  • KellyAnn143
    KellyAnn143 Posts: 10 Member
    Awesome thank you!!! I need to get one of those HRM'S..where do I find them and how much do they normally cost??
  • What about dumbbells guys? How heavy did you all start with? And are resistance bands good enough?
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I have a question..I JUST got my P90X in the mail...where do I find the Lean schedule vs the Classic? Thanks!

    It's in both the fitness guidebook (not the nutrition book) and on the foldout calendar.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    When I did P90X for the first time, I was quite overweight and had a very minimal fitness level. P90X scared the living snot out of me, so I chose the Lean rotation simply because I thought the first workout (Chest and Back) was overwhelming with all those push ups (I literally could do a total of about 12 on my knees). That said, my CardioX DVD wouldn't play when it arrived, so that first week (while waiting for BB to send me a replacement DVD) I did PlyoX and loved it so much that I included it each week rather than CardioX.

    Based on what you've said, however, it appears that you've already got a good fitness base. Thus, I would choose the Classic version, modify it if needed, take breaks if they apply, and at the end of it all, be amazed at how much toning and tightening you've gotten.

    With regards to the nutrition...I'm supposed to eat 2400 calories, but it's too much food for me to lose weight. I wear a Bodybugg, and if I only do the P90X workout, I generally burn right around 2400 calories on the entire day. I am also a teacher, so I'm on my feet walking around a classroom all day. My calorie burn at school is quite high because of that. So, I bounce between 1800-2000, sometimes eating to maintenance, but I try to keep around a 500 calorie deficit. If I walk my dogs in addition to doing my P90X workout for the day, I eat a bit more.
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