Just diagnosed with Diabetes and can't stop eating junk food at night...



  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Tonilynn70 wrote: »

    I know it's not good for me, because just now I had a hotdog with chili and cheese and like 7 french fries and I can feel it... I don't like it.. I hate it.. but I don't know how NOT to eat that stuff. I know.. don't have it in the house.. but I live with a 6 year old and a 14 year old..

    and this is blatant example of why obesity and diabetes runs through generation after generation after generation. Get this *kitten* out of your house. If you don't believe your quality of life or EVEN your life as a whole is worth more than an F'in candy bar and coke then do it for the kids. What example are you setting for them? Are you setting them up to be in your exact shoes in the future? How's it going to feel going to their college graduation or wedding minus a leg? Hell, will you still even be around for it? Hell, even now, do you even remember what it's like to run around and play with the 6 year old?

    If the kids were about to be hit by car, would you throw yourself in front of it to save them? If your answer is yes then make that sacrifice now.

    ...and yes, this is coming from a guy who's obesity runs in his family and I was feed a steady diet of fast food, microwave dinners, and soda growing up. I went through hell and back being obese and trying to teach myself how to eat because no one ever taught me growing up.

    Do it for the kids if you can't do it for yourself.....(sorry, steps off of soap box)
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    I think you having this problem because you are not eating enough earlier in the day. If you ate bigger healthier meals at breakfast and lunch you would not go silly in the evenings. Also you should not ignore your hunger signals because this also leads to bad food choices and overeating.

    Eating when at the beginning of your hunger will stem that tendency to overeat.

    Of course in the evenings, you will have boredom to deal with. Go to bed earlier. Have a biggish meal earlier in the evening. If you come home tired and hungry, you are sabotaging your chances. Either have healthy food read to go straight away or eat something healthy to take the edge of your appetite while you prepare dinner.

    As you seem to be aware of, keep your carbs down. You don't need to cut them out but really learn to replace most of them with vegetables. Make sure you eat protein at each meal. Eat fruit for snacks. Fruit should not cause you problems even though its a carb. You can combine it with a piece of cheese to slow down the absorption.

    Read some books on low carb diets but personally i don't think you have to do the atkins induction phase. Less carbs makes it easier to lose weight because a) it dampens your appetite. You could try aiming for about 100 carbs. But any reduction in carbs requires an increase in fat. That is , when you are eating at or below your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure).

    You could also try the 5:2 fasting diet but still you need to control your carbs on non-fast days. There's the fast diet forum. and there are diabetic people over there, some of whom combine the fast with the low carb.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    It's a tough love approach from me:

    There is no CAN'T. It's either WILL NOT or REFUSE. The choice really just comes down to you.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    edited December 2014
    Diabetics really must stick to a diabetic diet, which includes all macros in proportion. Including carbohydrates in moderation.

    I lost an uncle to complications because instead of taking his doctor's advice, he went on a fad diet.
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    ElliottTN wrote: »
    Tonilynn70 wrote: »

    I know it's not good for me, because just now I had a hotdog with chili and cheese and like 7 french fries and I can feel it... I don't like it.. I hate it.. but I don't know how NOT to eat that stuff. I know.. don't have it in the house.. but I live with a 6 year old and a 14 year old..

    and this is blatant example of why obesity and diabetes runs through generation after generation after generation. Get this *kitten* out of your house. If you don't believe your quality of life or EVEN your life as a whole is worth more than an F'in candy bar and coke then do it for the kids. What example are you setting for them? Are you setting them up to be in your exact shoes in the future? How's it going to feel going to their college graduation or wedding minus a leg? Hell, will you still even be around for it? Hell, even now, do you even remember what it's like to run around and play with the 6 year old?

    If the kids were about to be hit by car, would you throw yourself in front of it to save them? If your answer is yes then make that sacrifice now.

    ...and yes, this is coming from a guy who's obesity runs in his family and I was feed a steady diet of fast food, microwave dinners, and soda growing up. I went through hell and back being obese and trying to teach myself how to eat because no one ever taught me growing up.

    Do it for the kids if you can't do it for yourself.....(sorry, steps off of soap box)

    Very well said. Sometimes tough love is what people need to hear. I actually needed to hear this today myself and so does the O.P.

  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    Wouldn't you do ANYTHING.. right NOW to prevent yourself from going completely blind?

    Yes? Then why would something as serious as diabetes not be treated with the same prevention effort? We have a solution. We have a way of prevention.

    Diabetes CAN make you go blind....just throwing it out there. you're not off base at all.

  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I am giving my dad a kidney in a few weeks because his stopped working, partially due to poorly managed diabetes. So keep in mind, when you're with your kids, the disease doesn't just affect you.
  • thingofstuff
    thingofstuff Posts: 93 Member
    ^THIS! All of this! Don't pass your bad eating habits on to your children, you should be thankful that fate is intervening while your family is still very young. 6 year old's are shockingly adaptable; make finding healthy foods you all love into an adventure. Having the support of your family and doing the switch to healthy eating habits together gives you an instant support network and helps keep your home a junk-free zone when everyone is on board.
  • eatnojunk
    eatnojunk Posts: 30 Member
    edited December 2014
    First of all big hugs. My girlfriend has diabetes and I know she was going to get it and it runs in her family. She dose drink diet pop now but for the most part dosn't change much and she in a wheelchair so she can't or won't make the changes she needs too like a lot people its just to much to deal with.

    We have all at times struggle with diet and exercise and for most we have time on our side but your in a highly stress state that set you for stress eatting.

    I have an eating disorder and drepression and I have set backs.

    I doing better this time because I'm doing some medition and I can be with the feeling without judgement. I'm also working with a hormone Dr. and he said to use MFP and track food and calories. Be gentle and kind to yourself things will get better.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Fear-based and disgust admonitions are one of the least effective ways of getting a message across.


    In my experience, people who are afraid make poor decisions.
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    I'm sorry for your troubles. Hang in there. As for practical suggestions:

    Buy cut-up vegetables. Buy a cookie jar or box with a lock and keep the kids' treats in it. Give them the key or stow it away someplace inaccessible. Practice relaxation techniques.
  • Shastabaldi
    Shastabaldi Posts: 36 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    My adult children, more than anything, want me to have a long and healthy life. Nothing freaks them out more than the idea I won't be around much longer.

    Granted, six year olds and fourteen year olds are notoriously self-centered and they really only care about what is going to happen next week. So I might not cold-turkey the old snacks. Gradually replace them. And put them in the top cupboard at the back. Your healthy snacks in plain sight. Cut-up veggies ready to go in the fridge.

    Popcorn is good. Air-popped even better.

    we do this! and, i started making them do homework to earn extra snacks that are junk. win win!
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    A lot of great advice. I am doing this because my grandmother died because of type 2 diabetes, and my mother died of non alcohol related Cirrhosis of the Liver caused by type 2 diabetes. I just recently found out my Dad has diabetes as well. My mom begged me before she died to "get healthy." I haven't been diagnosed, and no pre diabetes (as far as I know) Nor do I plan to. Hopefully your life will be enough to get you going as it has for me. When I die, I don't want it to be from something I could have prevented. I wish you the best and hope you can overcome these obsticles. I understand It's tough. I LOVE junk food, and am not at my best at all times.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    edited December 2014
    Tonilynn70 wrote: »
    Two weeks ago, the doctor told me I was in the beginning stages of diabetes. My numbers are high, but don't warrant meds just yet. She said she would give me three months to get it under control. I did great the first week. Then my niece was diagnosed with Leukemia. A lot of hour long drives to the hospital with a 6 year old and I was drinking soda and eating reeses pieces. But I felt the effects of the bad eating. I start the day off wonderful, an apple, an egg.. get to work and eat pretty good, usually whatever we get I will not eat the carbs and get a salad. Then I get home, and I fly off the handle. Cookies, pop tarts (which i don't even like) and Doritos were my binge last night. And I can't drink water at home. At work, I will drink somewhere like 96 oz of water.. but I get home and the only thing I want is soda.

    I know it's not good for me, because just now I had a and I can feel it... I don't like it.. I hate it.. but I don't know how NOT to eat that stuff. I know.. don't have it in the house.. but I live with a 6 year old and a 14 year old.. I also know.. make sure you have veggies on hand... and there are .. but I don't want to prepare veggies and snack..

    Anyway.. anyone have any suggestions... a success story... maybe someone is a hypnotist? LOL


    A hot dog with chili and cheese is a good meal!
    You got plenty of protein and some fat. Protein and fat are good.
    Next time, skip the fries and half the bun in order to lower the calorie count.

    Truthfully, it does not matter what a diabetic eats as long as she eat less. LESS is key. When you lose weight, you will not be diabetic any longer because your blood sugar levels will go down with your overall weight.
    Are you getting enough sleep?
    Are the 6 year old and the 14 year old doing age appropriate chores so that they can learn responsibility and so that, after you teach them and help them develop good habits, you do have more time for yourself?

  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    If you want a hotdog, get a better brand of hot dog and enjoy. I prefer Applegate Farms uncured beef dogs. 70 calories, and they actually taste like beef and spices instead of unidentifiable byproducts. Add a decent bun and you're only at about 200 cals each. I've even added bacon and cheese and managed to come out at just over 400 calories for 2.
  • Taiser
    Taiser Posts: 81 Member
    I was in the same boat as you. Read my bio. Not much else to say. I had too much to lose, including flying my plane with a diabetes diagnosis!!! I turned it around and if I could do it anyone can... just needs a serious commitment on your part!
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    I'm not trying to be mean, but the fact of the matter is that if you keep that up you're going to die and I promise it won't be quick and painless. Diabetes should scare you. It's an awful disease. First of all, you shouldn't have all that crap in your house. If you have diabetes that means it's in your genetics and if you don't teach your family how to eat, your kids could end up with it later. You can't binge on junk that isn't there. You better sit down with your family and have a serious discussion about what is in your house because Diabetes and renal failure are nothing to take lightly.
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    I'm not trying to be mean... If you have diabetes that means it's in your genetics and if you don't teach your family how to eat, your kids could end up with it later. You can't binge on junk that isn't there. You better sit down with your family and have a serious discussion about what is in your house...

    Well, yes, there were some harsh words there, but I agree that since diabetes runs in families, it would be very kind of you to teach your children how to eat well so that they don't suffer the consequences later in life. You want your children to be happy and healthy? Help themselves and help you do the same! You can do it! Just keep that junk out of the house, set up an eating plan for your family, and start taking little steps each day. Eating wisely does not mean that you have to starve yourself. I manage to fit in my favorite foods, but just eat less junky mindless filler foods that I didn't really need. I have lost weight thus far by eating breakfast EVERY DAY and by increasing the ratio of protein and good fat in my diet.

    And, with that, I leave you with a favorite song! Cheers, and please feel free to Friend me!

  • Sydking
    Sydking Posts: 317 Member
    lean some self control land willpower.

    No one is forcing that food into your mouth but YOU

    Man up and do something about it

    Life aint easy buddy, time to step and and take the prick head on
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Tonilynn70 wrote: »
    Two weeks ago, the doctor told me I was in the beginning stages of diabetes. My numbers are high, but don't warrant meds just yet. She said she would give me three months to get it under control. ... Cookies, pop tarts (which i don't even like) and Doritos were my binge last night. And I can't drink water at home. At work, I will drink somewhere like 96 oz of water.. but I get home and the only thing I want is soda.
    Selection of amputations common to diabetics.


    I would suggest you get all that under control. Feet are useful tools, as are hands.