getting married.... need to lose weight...



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    edited December 2014
    I've gone from 307 to 169 but it has taken a few years, and in my opinion that is why it's been RELATIVELY easy on me. I believe that consistency & above all, patience, is so so so underrated when it comes to large amounts of weight loss.

    It takes patience and time, you can't drop weight extremely fast without "suffering" in some way(s). I agree with those saying to focus more on losing for life, than to look hot at your wedding. If you get on a good track, you will be much leaner at the time of your wedding and that will be a great feeling.

    I wish you the best, but seriously if you want it to be relatively "easy" just stick with a loss of 2 lb per week and be moderate with everything, but absolutely meticulous in tracking every bite you eat and sip you take.

    ETA: I also agree with GiveMeCoffee above. Keep it simple. And don't look at food as good/bad, cheat/diet, etc. Even if you wind up eating a bunch of veggies, some protein, and a "lot" of chocolate one day within your calorie allotment, that's okay. Balance and longer term consistency is key!
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    im trying....... one cup of coffee and day with 100cals of creamer, yes thats alot but thats the only caloric drink i drink... im strictly water....... banana for breakfast and because i dont have any money till the 5th of the january i get stuck eating the crap i already have.... but i am Proportioning it so its not as bad.....
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Lose weight for your life, not for an event. An event is a point in time - your wedding will come and go. If you tie your weight loss to your wedding then your motivation will end with your wedding. Instead, make it a lifestyle change. If you start now, you will have lost in time for you wedding but it won't be the only reason.

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Definitely not bad if you're measuring out portions, you will have an opportunity later to make some healthier choices but as long as you're maintaining that deficit you will be well on your way!
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    im trying to maintain it lol... i was 182 calories over today.... but its still better then i did before... and no pop... at all....which is the hardest.... love my gingerale and pepsi
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    there's a lemon perrier that's nice instead of pop
  • macmac1212
    macmac1212 Posts: 20 Member
    A lot of the polar seltzers come in diet (which has it's own issues :-1: ) but they taste just like soda/pop with way less calories. My favorite is the Orange Dry, which tastes just like orange soda but only 15 calories! Increasing your protein (greek yogurt for breakfast, leaner meats for lunch and dinner) will also make you feel fuller throughout the day. I eat like a 5 year-old and I'm still learning how to fit vegetables better into my diet, but those are also great ways to add food that are low-cal and make you feel full.

    My other favorite thing to do if I'm DYING for more food after I hit my limit and it's later at night is to tell myself that I maxed out my calories for the day (as a mental reminder to help me the next day) and then chug a glass of water and then go to bed for the night while my stomach feels fuller.

    I'm starting over again as well (similar to you, I lost 30 lbs last year (2013) but 2014 kicked my butt and I lost the motivation for a while and all the weight came back with a vengeance, but I'm jumping back up and working on more weight lifting with Chalean Extreme after doing a ton of Jillian Michaels, and I'm still learning how to get more cardio in because that's always been my nemesis! (My boyfriend and I decided to wait to get engaged until we hit a midpoint goal for our weight loss, which is a nice carrot to chase for a while, and afterwards it will probably be the wedding dress to help me continue chasing the carrot and continue building it into a healthy lifestyle instead of a chore!

    Best of luck to you!!
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    If 1800 calories is hard for you to stick to (I'm assuming that's what MFP gives you to lose 2 pounds per week), drop your target to 1.5 or even 1 pound to start with. What you do in each individual week doesn't matter as much as finding something you can stick to for the next 6 months. If you choose a 2-pound goal and make yourself miserable for 4 weeks before giving up, you'll have lost 8 pounds. Big deal, right? But if you drop that goal to 1.5 pounds and stick to it for the 6 months until your wedding, you'll have lost 36 pounds. Realistically, once you've adjusted to a lower calorie goal, you'll be able to drop it further as time passes. You can start with a goal of 1 pound now, give yourself a month to adjust to that, then drop to 1.5 pounds, etc.

    It's not about dropping your calories as low as possible now. It's about finding a calorie target that you can stick to for the foreseeable future. Find that target, and it'll be easy to keep going.
  • cindynhderby7
    I'm not one for suplements and diet pills but at one point I was despret to loose the weight. I tried all the well know diet pills and none of them worked. However, I started drinking the slimquick pure packets and jogging and I lost the weight really fast. It almost scared me how fast I was loosing it. However, as soon as you stop drinking it, if your not doing anything or not watching what you eat you will gain it back. But it's a quick way to do it before your wedding. Congrats on your wedding!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I'm not one for suplements and diet pills but at one point I was despret to loose the weight. I tried all the well know diet pills and none of them worked. However, I started drinking the slimquick pure packets and jogging and I lost the weight really fast. It almost scared me how fast I was loosing it. However, as soon as you stop drinking it, if your not doing anything or not watching what you eat you will gain it back. But it's a quick way to do it before your wedding. Congrats on your wedding!

    Why would you even suggest something that isn't going to work long term. She's got plenty of time before her wedding to make a big difference and doing it in a healthy way that she can continue long past the wedding.
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    i think she means if i wanna lose weight before my wedding try that but when im done keep up with the excising