Committing to getting on track...

Hi! I have officially committed to getting on track. I know the holidays are coming, but the reality is that life is not perfect and so there is no "perfect" time to start. My account says it is deactivated, but it is not! :)
How do you stay on track during the holidays?


  • TopazCutie
    TopazCutie Posts: 386 Member
    I like to stay on track during the holidays by avoiding potlucks and holiday meals like the plague!!! just kidding lol. But I do notice that I gravitate towards fruit and vegetables more this year, which so far, I'm not gaining any weight.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Gravitate to the people. At holiday social gatherings, I like to focus on the social aspect and not the food. I take a bit of what I really love and stay away from mindless munching.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Same way I track any other time. By logging my food, measuring where I can, guesstimating high where I can't, and staying active.