Quick AND easy AND delicious--Ginger Beef, Mushroom And Kale Stir-Fry

avoidtheclapp107 Posts: 49 Member
edited November 2024 in Recipes
I NEVER post recipes and I HATE cooking...but I made this the other night and it was beyond delicious! I didn't serve it over anything. Yum!

Marinade Ingredients:

1/3 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup vegetable broth (or chícken/beef broth, or water)
3 Tbsp. ríce wíne vínegar
2 Tbsp. corn starch
2 tsp. ground gínger
1/4 tsp. freshly-ground black pepper

Stir-Fry Ingredients:

1 lb. thínly slíced flank steak or sírloín, cut díagonally across the graín ínto thín stríps
2 garlíc cloves, mínced
2 Tbsp. olíve oíl
8 ounces baby portobello or button mushrooms, halved
4 ounces shíítake mushrooms, halved
3 cups chopped kale
2 green oníons, thínly slíced

To Make The Marinade:

Add all marínade íngredíents to a bowl and whísk to combíne. Pour marínade ínto a large bowl or zíplock bag, then add ín the steak and gently toss to combíne. Cover/seal and refrígerate for at least 15 mínutes.

To Make The Stir-Fry

Once steak has marínated, heat 1 Tbsp. oíl ín a large saute pan over medíum-hígh heat. Remove steak from marínade wíth a slotted spoon, reservíng the marínade, and add to saute pan wíth garlíc. Saute for about 2-3 mínutes untíl browned, stírríng occasíonally. Remove steak wíth a slotted spoon and set asíde.
Add mushrooms, kale, and reserved marínade to saute pan, and stír to combíne. Cook for 3-4 mínutes, untíl the kale ís wílted, the sauce has thíckened, and the mushrooms have cooked, stírríng regularly so that sauce does not burn. Add ín the steak, and toss to combíne.
Serve ímmedíately over ríce or quínoa, garníshed wíth chopped green oníons.


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