Very Overweight and Need Help:



  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I think you need to start logging your food. Set up your macros on MFP to a good balance of protein, carbs and fats (something like 40/30/30) and work on finding a variety of dishes that you enjoy that let you meet the macros and stay within your calorie goals.

    After you settle in, then the next step would be to start tracking those binges. You want to learn what triggers them. Let go of the emotional baggage and just look at it as a science experiment. Once you know why they happen, you'll be able to find a way to head them off. It's interesting that you crave really salty things - there may be something medical underlying that, so by all means involve your doctor in the process.
    I'm a fellow NSAID abuser...solidarity! But if you can get other meds, do it.
  • kristishrider
    I came across this recipe, maybe it will curb your pizza craving
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    ^^ I agree - I have done this recipe - it's lovely
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Congrats on your progress to date…

    Couple quick questions..

    do you own a food scale? If yes, do you weigh, log, measure everything?
    Have you updated your calorie intake to reflect losing 50 pounds?
    how much is your current intake?

    You meant ion that you find yourself craving things like pizza, ice cream, etc? is that because you are restricting them?

    I used to be the same way when I started. i thought sugar, carbs, pizza, etc were "bad" and if I just eliminate them then I would lose weight, which I did; however, the problem that I found is that I would crave them and then go get a pizza and eat the whole ting or eat a whole container of ice cream. It was not until I realized that food is not "bad", it is just energy that your body uses for fuel…Once I readjusted my thinking, I learned how to incorporate these things into my day, meet my calorie deficit, macros targets, and lose weight..

    Thinking that foods are bad sets you up for an unhealthy relationship with food, and IMO is not a sustainable path to long term weight loss. Think about it, are you really going to never eat ice cream, or pizza, or some dessert ever again? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to enjoy those things and still hit your weight loss goals?

    I think if you change your thinking on those things that you will find that you can eat the foods you like and still hit your weight loss goals…

    Are you still working out, or have you given up on the elliptical?

    Not when it gives her high blood pressure.
    When exactly does that happen, curious?

  • sanddollar
    sanddollar Posts: 192 Member

    The addiction I have to food is what's also keeping me from progressing. I am not one of those people that can be trusted with a little "treat" every now and then. When I have "treats", I will eat up to 4-5 pizza slices at one time and then do it again the next day. I notice insane cravings for addictive things especially foods with a lot of salt and cheese.

    Can anyone tell me how I can further progress in fitness with my current situation and possibly give me some exercise and food tips?
    Weight loss is extremely important for me and my health right now.

    Hi, Here is something else to consider, since you talk about food addiction and not being able to stop eating. If, when you honestly want to, you cannot quit eating, or when eating you have little control over how much you eat, then you are probably a compulsive overeater. Compulsive eating is a progressive illness of the body and mind, but there is a solution that truly works if you are willing to try anything to become sane again. By working the 12 steps precisely as outlined in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous with a sponsor, I have found a way to live "sober" from compulsive eating. Not only am I losing weight, but my relationships are improving since I am not so irritable and so obsessed with food. To find out more, please call and listen to a recorded Overeaters Anonymous phone meeting in privacy of your home 24/7. You will learn about the disease and the 12 step program of recovery! You will find caring people who know how you feel! There is hope and a solution if nothing else has worked for you. Call: 209-255-1099. Access Code: 740111, Reference Number: 93#

    I know what I wrote probably sounds like a commercial, but it has worked for me and hundreds of others. The changes in my life are amazing so I want to help others. Btw, this Overeaters Anonymous group only uses the text from Alcoholics Anonymous because it was the original 12 step program... just change words referring to alcoholic/alcoholism etc. to compulsive eating/overeating and it will apply to us overeaters just fine. We don't use other OA materials, because statistically the AA book gets the best recovery results. All other materials have slowly changed the message and watered it down. Anyone can look at my profile or message me for more info.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Perhaps your body is also craving some fats that you are restricting right now? What is your macro split like? Is there a balance to keep you fuller longer?

    Try avacado and there is vegan (or vegetarian, not sure which) mayo for the "splurges" on sandwiches and salads. Greek yogurt is always a nice fat supplier with a protein punch.

    If Ice cream is your weakness, perhaps you can make your own version that is healthier (Greek yogurt with frozen fruits). This way, you get to portion out what you are going to eat prior to eating it. Just some ideas...Good Luck!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Congrats on your progress to date…

    Couple quick questions..

    do you own a food scale? If yes, do you weigh, log, measure everything?
    Have you updated your calorie intake to reflect losing 50 pounds?
    how much is your current intake?

    You meant ion that you find yourself craving things like pizza, ice cream, etc? is that because you are restricting them?

    I used to be the same way when I started. i thought sugar, carbs, pizza, etc were "bad" and if I just eliminate them then I would lose weight, which I did; however, the problem that I found is that I would crave them and then go get a pizza and eat the whole ting or eat a whole container of ice cream. It was not until I realized that food is not "bad", it is just energy that your body uses for fuel…Once I readjusted my thinking, I learned how to incorporate these things into my day, meet my calorie deficit, macros targets, and lose weight..

    Thinking that foods are bad sets you up for an unhealthy relationship with food, and IMO is not a sustainable path to long term weight loss. Think about it, are you really going to never eat ice cream, or pizza, or some dessert ever again? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to enjoy those things and still hit your weight loss goals?

    I think if you change your thinking on those things that you will find that you can eat the foods you like and still hit your weight loss goals…

    Are you still working out, or have you given up on the elliptical?

    Not when it gives her high blood pressure.

    so eating less of the foods she likes is going to result in high blood pressure, really?

    I believe the quote from her OP was when she 'overeats on foods with salt and sodium" that her blood pressure goes up …my suggestion was eat less of them...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP never came back, so I guess we will never know...