
About 4 years ago I lost right at 40 pounds and I couldn't have been happier. I found myself with a lot of stress and began noticing the weight starting to creep back up. In February of this year I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder thus was put on medication to help with the anxiety. The medicine causes a person to gain weight while taking it. Has anyone here been successful with losing weight while taking medicine that causes you to gain? I would appreciate any suggestions or advice as to how to curb the appetite so I can try to lose the weight and change my lifestyle again.


  • Juvenica
    Juvenica Posts: 460 Member
    well , we don't choose side effects of the medicines and i have experienced smth like that, but you can choose to eat fuller foods ( vegetables and fruits) and move more (I'd suggest maybe you should try a heavier sport, les mills combat, boxing, u know smth to relieve stress) . I had no more weight gaining issue once I finished the medicine, so hope yours are temporary.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    How does the medication cause weight gain? Do you mean it actually causes weight gain or that it impacts your hunger signals and people gain weight due to eating more because of that? It would be helpful to know how it is impacting your body in order to provide advice on how to approach weight loss or even maintaining while taking it.
  • Nessc
    Nessc Posts: 137 Member
    I seem to have a never ending hunger! I'm a teacher and I'm on my feet all day and when I get home it's like I am so hungry that I can't get full. I asked a nurse practitioner if the medicine causes weight gain and she said yes, that antidepressants cause weight gain - I have tried eating sliced apples while driving my 45 minute drive home but it didn't help to curb the hunger. I am 5' 1/4" tall (yes, I hold on to the quarter inch) and I weighed 167 on the Dr. scales Monday. This weight gain has me scared that I will be at 200 before my 45th birthday which is in February. I really want to lose the weight and I also need some motivation/energy to get moving again. My health is important to me and I hate this road I'm walking down right now!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Some people have a harder time with meds and weight gain than others. I'm assuming since you brought it up that you're having a rough time. If I'm right, bring it up next time you're in and see if they can help you. Sometimes they can.

    Other than exercise (and I vote for swimming!) and cutting the calories, I have no advice. I wish I did.

    Good luck.