Gaining Weight on raw till 4



  • sweetdixie92
    sweetdixie92 Posts: 655 Member
    Men need at least 3000 calories on this program. Women need 2500 calories.

    Many people fail when they try the Raw Till 4 Diet because they simply don’t have the drive and determination that you do. They complain about being full or constipated because they are ingesting way more calories per day, but they fail to keep pushing through til the body rebalances itself.

    ^^Above quoted from website. Biggest load of BS I've seen.

    Women do NOT need to eat 2500 calories in general. Some do, most don't. You WILL gain weight if you eat too many calories, it doesn't matter how healthy they are.

    I think the diet itself could be reasonable if they didn't insist that you HAVE to eat that many calories. Maybe try it with a reduced calorie intake - say 1500. I'm a believer in eating healthy foods and reducing highly processed food for a truly healthy diet, but I'm by no means a vegan. I'll take my chicken and beef, thank you.
  • pineapple_jojo
    pineapple_jojo Posts: 440 Member
    Sorry no, this diet is nonsense. If you have a health condition then go an see a medical professional. If you want to eat raw vegan then fine, but don't expect it to be a miracle cure for anything. Also how does not heating up food till after 4pm make a difference? Please see a doctor and if you want to lose weight then eat at a deficit.
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    I find that I feel really good on a whole foods plant based diet, but I don't think it's necessary to eat that much fruit. It's certainly not helping your weight. And I would be worried about getting enough protein and fat on that plan.

    What if you continued to prioritize fresh fruits and vegetables, but lowered your calorie intake and made sure to meet your protein, fat and micronutrient targets? If you prefer to remain vegetarian, you can add beans and whole grains and possibly some soy foods for protein. Nuts and avocados are good sources of dietary fat and are delicious :) Keep an eye on your Iron and B12 levels; a lot of vegetarians need to supplement.

    Lastly, make sure what you are doing is really sustainable for you. Some people do better with some "treats" worked in. You may not want to, given how good you are feeling without them, but if you start to get frustrated or feel deprived, it might be good for your long term adherence to loosen up a bit.