New to MFP. Any weight loss advice?

SkinnyCandii Posts: 46
edited December 2014 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, I made this account over a year ago, but I am finally using it.
Looking for some support for healthy weight loss, and breaking the horrible, starve and bingeing habit that I have struggled wih for years, keeping me slightly overweight.
Any helpful advice to help me acheive my goal weight of 110-115 lbs? I am currently at 130 lbs.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Track everything you eat and start lifting weights.
  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    Stick to your calories. That is all!
    I'm a naturally lazy person, I never excercise and have no future plans to but I stick to my calories and I've lost 60lbs in 5 months. For me, it's easy as long as I'm not doing something that I don't want to do! No restrictions, no shakeology/juice plus etc, no excercise, just calorie counting!
  • IamAddictedtoCoconuts
    Make sure you're eating enough, this is a good website to tell you how much you need: Get your proteins in. But what i found to be most important was not to over think. It's okay to have a treat once in a while. You can eat basically anything as long as it's in moderation. Also this is a lifestyle change so find something works and doesn't make you binge. There's a concept called "IIFYM" (if it fits your macros) You basically eat as long as it fits your macros. Here's a website that's more in detail

    Get your work outs in, as much as cardio helps you lose weight, adding weights makes it even better. Look for a beginner weights workout. Also remember to take it a day at a time
    Don't go into "clean eating" unless you enjoy it :)
  • daedalus01
    daedalus01 Posts: 44 Member
    edited December 2014
    Lift weights, track your intake with scales and take it one day at a time. Don't beat yourself up if you fall, just get back up and keep going. Good luck on your journey.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited December 2014
    From your profile pictures, you look like you're at a healthy weight. How tall are you?
    Here's a BMI chart. Aim for the middle of the green range.
    115 would be in the healthy weight range if you're between about 4'10" and 5'7".
    130 is healthy if you're 5'2" to 5'10".

    It's likely that simply maintaining your current weight & increasing your weightlifting would change your shape & composition enough for you to be happy with how you look.
    Talk with your doctor & counselor to be sure your goal weight is healthy for you, and you're not slipping back into your disordered thinking patterns.

    Here's a newbie help post I did which compiled useful information, including sexypants.

  • SkinnyCandii
    Stick to your calories. That is all!
    I'm a naturally lazy person, I never excercise and have no future plans to but I stick to my calories and I've lost 60lbs in 5 months. For me, it's easy as long as I'm not doing something that I don't want to do! No restrictions, no shakeology/juice plus etc, no excercise, just calorie counting!

    Wow, that's a lot, congrats! :) What was your start and end weight?
  • SkinnyCandii
    MKEgal wrote: »
    From your profile pictures, you look like you're at a healthy weight. How tall are you?
    Here's a BMI chart. Aim for the middle of the green range.
    115 would be in the healthy weight range if you're between about 4'10" and 5'7".
    130 is healthy if you're 5'2" to 5'10".

    It's likely that simply maintaining your current weight & increasing your weightlifting would change your shape & composition enough for you to be happy with how you look.
    Talk with your doctor & counselor to be sure your goal weight is healthy for you, and you're not slipping back into your disordered thinking patterns.

    Here's a newbie help post I did which compiled useful information, including sexypants.


    Thanks! And I do want to start doing some weights, except I am afraid of just getting bigger and more bulky. More disordered thinking, I suppose...