Favorite blogilates video and questions. Please

What is your favorite video? How long did it take you to see result? I'm super impatient when t comes to seeing anything, even when eating healthier. How many days and time do you do the videos? I was looking to do 20min 5-6 days a week. And run 3 days 20min


  • nmatthi
    nmatthi Posts: 8 Member
    I don't have a favourite video but she does have a beginner's plan (or a monthly plan if you're more advanced already) where she tells you which videos to do each day for a month. You really shouldn't be doing only one set of exercises everyday anyway, your body would get used to it. Also, results will definitely take time to show and you will only see any if you eat accordingly (depending on your body fat %).
  • lindssaurus
    lindssaurus Posts: 98 Member
    True. I will take a look at the beginner videos.