Nothing structured the last couple of days but definitely moving

So can't log a P90X or a ton of time walking or biking but the last marathon shopping spree before Christmas is done so 5 hours of walking through stores should count for something. (my legs were more sore than when I did the P90X workouts or a 10k)

I see a light at the end of the madness and it's called the day after Christmas.

Didn't have my routines in place before the chaos of "the week before Christmas" began and we have had more parties to go to this year than ever before. Parties with nearly grown kids means everyone brings fattening new dishes to try.

I am happy and content with all of the visiting and feel most peaceful surrounded by family and friends but am more than a little disturbed at the number of calories consumed.

Decided to log everyday no matter how bad the calorie count. Parties are over now and we can move on to Christmas day which will be small for us - (5 people instead of 21!)
  • Salad - 1 cup
  • Honey baked ham - 3 oz
  • Sweet potato casserole - 1/2 cup please
  • green bean casserole - could skip since I've had it at the last two parties
  • Stove top stuffing - 1 serving
  • Broccoli with a little butter for me - cheese sauce for everyone else
  • Apple pie - (not a problem since I'm not big into pastries) - I'll take some chocolate kisses instead - I'm sure Santa will put some in my stocking.
  • Ice Tea - is it too lofty a goal to see if I can go a whole year without a Dr Pepper

Bike ride after presents or walk the dog for at least 45 min to an hour depending on the weather.

Things are looking better -

Hasn't helped that it's been wet, could and grey the last few days.

All I want to do is sleep due to the all the running, weather and food coma - lol Now for my upper body work out - Wrapping presents marathon....

Feeling a bit out of sorts as I usually shop ALL year long and don't have so much rushing to do....

Next year is a new me and I will be prepared!!!


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Good for you for logging through the chaos. Your Christmas day plan is great. :D