2100 Posts: An MFP Thread Odyssey



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    What about unicorn tears? They're super effective right?

    only if combined with raspberry ketones, and dwarf tears and then drank out of a hatched dragon egg...

    Well of course, how else would you drink unicorn tears?!

    i heard if you hang from a rope, suspended over a pit of poisonous snakes that it increases your metabolism by 5%

    That's obvious hooey. I mean for a 5% increase you'd really have to hang there for days surely.

    three times a week ..I have a pit in my back yard...
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Sooo 2100 posts in and here is what I have noticed on the threads...

    1. It is really not Starvation Mode, I promise. This one tops the charts because it is probably the most over used term out there. If you are eating 1200 calories a day, you are not in Starvation mode; if you missed snack five of six you are not in starvation mode; if you (gasp!) skip breakfast you are not in starvation mode. If you did not eat anything for 72 hours, then yes you are in starvation mode, and seek immediate help.

    2. Ladies, no you will not get bulky. Lifting weights will not make you look like the incredible hulk or some weird Ape Woman from planet of the apes. If you are eating in a deficit and lifting it is almost impossible to build muscle, you will get stronger yes, but look like Arnold from the 80's, no. Also, woman have less testosterone then men so you really can't bulk up like men do without the aid of some serious roids...

    3. cleanses, diet pills, flushing, the cabbage diet, the water diet, the chicken diet etc etc are just fads. Eat in a deficit and work out = weight loss. It took five years to get out of shape, it is not going to take five minutes to get back in shape. I don't care if you are taking thermo nuclear, reinforced amino acid, with ground up meteoroid dust in it; more than likely it is some fad that is just trying to suck 29.99 out of you and the weight you will lose is water weight, and it will all come back once you get off thermo nuclear sauce.
    Oh, and raspberry ketones never work ...

    4. Don't tell me breakfast is the most important meal or some BS like that. I skipped breakfast for eight months and dropped about 1% body fat using lean gains/IF.

    5. Vacuuming, cleaning, raking leaves, laundry, getting out of the bed in the morning, shopping, walking around the mall, getting off the couch to get a cold beer, et al should never be logged as exercise...

    6. MFP is not mean. Just because you posted a topic that has been beat to death 1000 times and everyone dive bombs it and has some fun with it, does not mean people are mean ..it just means you have posted a dead horse topic and will not have your thread de-railed....Don;t take it so personal and have some fun with it...

    7. The gifs some of you all post are freaking awesome and hilarious! I need to get me some of dat!

    8. And I will probably catch major flack for this one, but the motivational thread is really not that motivational, it seems more winey to me.

    9. If you gained weight it was not from "converting fat into muscle" or "adding muscle". One pound of fat weights the same as muscle and you really can't convert fat into muscle or transform it, or use some alchemy formula to convert it into muscle, gold, alcohol or whatever...More than likely you are not measuring the foods you are eating, or it is water retention...

    10. never ever ever ever ever ever eva eva eva start a thread or reply with Dr. Oz said....This will immediately cause spontaneous combustion by your fellow MFP thread goers...

    11. Some of the wise as$/sarcastic comments from some of you people out there are freaking hilarious, and feel free to add me..just include a freaking message people!!!!

    OK - I have probably pissed off enough people with this one...but that is about all I got for now ...when I get to 4000 posts I will update as needed....

    oh - and yes I need a lift as I spend way too much time working on these posts....

    All right - free fire zone, blast away ...

    You are wise, young grasshopper-- you have learned quickly that which takes others many, many, many whiny months-- ha. There is no better way to spend my 15,000th post than to give you kudos.

    Excellent post! Very funny and right on.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    What about unicorn tears? They're super effective right?

    only if combined with raspberry ketones, and dwarf tears and then drank out of a hatched dragon egg...

    Well of course, how else would you drink unicorn tears?!

    i heard if you hang from a rope, suspended over a pit of poisonous snakes that it increases your metabolism by 5%

    That's obvious hooey. I mean for a 5% increase you'd really have to hang there for days surely.

    three times a week ..I have a pit in my back yard...

    Hmmm, next question: If the snakes have to be poisonous could you up your metabolism by 10% if they were very potent compared to say a low level poison?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Sooo 2100 posts in and here is what I have noticed on the threads...

    1. It is really not Starvation Mode, I promise. This one tops the charts because it is probably the most over used term out there. If you are eating 1200 calories a day, you are not in Starvation mode; if you missed snack five of six you are not in starvation mode; if you (gasp!) skip breakfast you are not in starvation mode. If you did not eat anything for 72 hours, then yes you are in starvation mode, and seek immediate help.

    2. Ladies, no you will not get bulky. Lifting weights will not make you look like the incredible hulk or some weird Ape Woman from planet of the apes. If you are eating in a deficit and lifting it is almost impossible to build muscle, you will get stronger yes, but look like Arnold from the 80's, no. Also, woman have less testosterone then men so you really can't bulk up like men do without the aid of some serious roids...

    3. cleanses, diet pills, flushing, the cabbage diet, the water diet, the chicken diet etc etc are just fads. Eat in a deficit and work out = weight loss. It took five years to get out of shape, it is not going to take five minutes to get back in shape. I don't care if you are taking thermo nuclear, reinforced amino acid, with ground up meteoroid dust in it; more than likely it is some fad that is just trying to suck 29.99 out of you and the weight you will lose is water weight, and it will all come back once you get off thermo nuclear sauce.
    Oh, and raspberry ketones never work ...

    4. Don't tell me breakfast is the most important meal or some BS like that. I skipped breakfast for eight months and dropped about 1% body fat using lean gains/IF.

    5. Vacuuming, cleaning, raking leaves, laundry, getting out of the bed in the morning, shopping, walking around the mall, getting off the couch to get a cold beer, et al should never be logged as exercise...

    6. MFP is not mean. Just because you posted a topic that has been beat to death 1000 times and everyone dive bombs it and has some fun with it, does not mean people are mean ..it just means you have posted a dead horse topic and will not have your thread de-railed....Don;t take it so personal and have some fun with it...

    7. The gifs some of you all post are freaking awesome and hilarious! I need to get me some of dat!

    8. And I will probably catch major flack for this one, but the motivational thread is really not that motivational, it seems more winey to me.

    9. If you gained weight it was not from "converting fat into muscle" or "adding muscle". One pound of fat weights the same as muscle and you really can't convert fat into muscle or transform it, or use some alchemy formula to convert it into muscle, gold, alcohol or whatever...More than likely you are not measuring the foods you are eating, or it is water retention...

    10. never ever ever ever ever ever eva eva eva start a thread or reply with Dr. Oz said....This will immediately cause spontaneous combustion by your fellow MFP thread goers...

    11. Some of the wise as$/sarcastic comments from some of you people out there are freaking hilarious, and feel free to add me..just include a freaking message people!!!!

    OK - I have probably pissed off enough people with this one...but that is about all I got for now ...when I get to 4000 posts I will update as needed....

    oh - and yes I need a lift as I spend way too much time working on these posts....

    All right - free fire zone, blast away ...

    You are wise, young grasshopper-- you have learned quickly that which takes many, many, many whiny months-- ha. There is no better way to spend my 15,000th post than to give you kudos.

    Excellent post! Very funny and right on.

    Oh damn, a vet giving me some props! this might be the highlight of my MFP life....!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    *A MFP

    8, bang, one night stand.

    are you saying you want to bang me on the regular, or just one night stand?

    I thought she meant 8 one night stands?
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member

    6. MFP is not mean.

    7. The gifs some of you all post are freaking awesome and hilarious!

    11. Some of the wise as$/sarcastic comments from some of you people out there are freaking hilarious, and feel free to add me..just include a freaking message people!!!!

    A~ True
    B~ Your Welcome
    C~ How Dare you interrupt ppl from going to my Topic First. jk
  • RachelX04
    RachelX04 Posts: 1,123 Member
    I love this thread...
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    *kitten*...now everybody knows!

    I'm going to have nothing else to do for a while....can't continuously comment on the "My boyfriend did this", or "Who do I date now" threads!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    *A MFP

    8, bang, one night stand.

    are you saying you want to bang me on the regular, or just one night stand?

    I was pointing out that you missed a very key component of MFP. TELL ME I'M PRETTY AND BANGABLE.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    *kitten*...now everybody knows!

    I'm going to have nothing else to do for a while....can't continuously comment on the "My boyfriend did this", or "Who do I date now" threads!

    LOL my bad bro ..

    Trust me, I guarantee you that these will still show up and you can have your fun ...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    *A MFP

    8, bang, one night stand.

    are you saying you want to bang me on the regular, or just one night stand?

    I was pointing out that you missed a very key component of MFP. TELL ME I'M PRETTY AND BANGABLE.

    oh - so we can't bang on the regular then? puts hand in pockets and walks away dejected...

    bahahahahaha but yes you are right I did miss that ...

    so are we on for friday night?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Where's the poptarts, bacon and ice cream part? Those are necessities!!!! Oh, and the kitty gifs too!! Thou must have kitty gifs!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    oh and I forgot one..if you are constipated or it is about to be "that time of the month" please please please don't start a thread about it ..

    ok done...

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    6. MFP is not mean.

    7. The gifs some of you all post are freaking awesome and hilarious!

    11. Some of the wise as$/sarcastic comments from some of you people out there are freaking hilarious, and feel free to add me..just include a freaking message people!!!!

    A~ True
    B~ Your Welcome
    C~ How Dare you interrupt ppl from going to my Topic First. jk

    if you want to link to it, I will allow them to be re-directed....for a fee of course.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Where's the poptarts, bacon and ice cream part? Those are necessities!!!! Oh, and the kitty gifs too!! Thou must have kitty gifs!

    i should of made a list before I started this thread ..LOL
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    *A MFP

    8, bang, one night stand.

    Actually, "an" is the correct word. MFP when pronounced as the letters 'M' 'F' 'P' starts with the sound "em" which means that you would use the word "an" rather than "a."

    Also, 9, date/one night stand.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    *A MFP

    8, bang, one night stand.

    Actually, "an" is the correct word. MFP when pronounced as the letters 'M' 'F' 'P' starts with the sound "em" which means that you would use the word "an" rather than "a."

    Also, 9, date/one night stand.


    ummmm you lost me at "an".....
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I love this thread...

    me too! well i created and love all my threads...bahahahahaha
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    *A MFP

    8, bang, one night stand.

    Actually, "an" is the correct word. MFP when pronounced as the letters 'M' 'F' 'P' starts with the sound "em" which means that you would use the word "an" rather than "a."

    Also, 9, date/one night stand.


    ummmm you lost me at "an".....

    me too...
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    *A MFP

    8, bang, one night stand.

    Actually, "an" is the correct word. MFP when pronounced as the letters 'M' 'F' 'P' starts with the sound "em" which means that you would use the word "an" rather than "a."

    Also, 9, date/one night stand.


    ummmm you lost me at "an".....

    Previous poster was saying that in the title it should have been "A MFP Thread Odyssey" I was just pointing out that the title is grammatically correct as is.

    Also adding one of my favorite gifs. I don't know why but I get caught up watching it for minutes.