Lost my momentem, then back peddled :/

My all time high was 267. Lost down to 243. Then gained again and keep going from 254-257. I have lost all motivation, I just keep thinking to myself "why even try". I hate when I hit a depression down swing, and my mind set is why even bother I just don't care, i'll just be fat forever and i'll be fine with it. When I'm not in a depression funk, I'm ok. But once it hits I sabotage my hard work and its like one step forward and two step s back.

Anyone else deal with depression and back peddling?


  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    Don't worry about diet this week, focus on exercising. It always helps my mood and my depression. Then adventually makes it easier to watch what I eat
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    The deep funk will hit when I least expect it, and am least prepared to deal with it. Same thoughts you have, why bother, been this way all my life, what good will it do to lose it now. Nothings going to change when i reach goal so whybother! The one thing is that i have not gained back the weight. I may stall, or get stuck at a number, but luckily the funk goes away in a few days and i can get back with the program. I wish i knew what triggered these thought. But so far I've been able to work my way thru them.
  • zumbachelle
    zumbachelle Posts: 23 Member
    I struggle big time! I have lost the same 10lbs and gained them so often in the last few months it's like I am on a seesaw!

    I started at 302lbs, currently I am on 208lbs but i still have at least another 20lbs to go...and that won't get me to "Healthy BMI" just "happy me".

    I find I can exercise all the time with no drama but unfortunately I eat everything. I am really good at work and then i go home and from about 4pm eat everything in sight! I am desperate to get this weight gone for good.

    I definitely sympathise with you!
  • grapegirl2
    grapegirl2 Posts: 2 Member
    I hope you can always think forward to the next great decision for what's best for you. Live the now.
    I was on both the "wish" diet as well as the " tomorrow" program. It was always "I'll do this or that fun thing when I lose weight" Starting tomorrow. Then I wake up and life is passing me by and All I do is work. So.. I bought a Kayak and a Nike Fuel band and now I do something everyday ( well 4 so far) that I like. The band is motivating and the river doesn't judge. Maybe you could try one. As for overeating, planning is helpful and forgiveness essential ( don't wait too long to reset, the next meal is the one you'll get right). Good luck to us all and Good for you for wanting more. Happy Thoughts! Grapegirl.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    I agree with the person who said Exercise this week, not diet. See if you feel better.
    Also, think, "If not now, when?".... Now I've got to go do my c25k. I am in a tired and pissed off mood.
    Sometimes I'd like to beat somebody up ! I've never done that. I need a punching bag !

    I hope you do start exercising and get back on the path.