One of my teenagers is a thief!

amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
Have any of you ever dealt with teenagers that were thieves? If so what did you do to take care of the problem?


  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Yes. My sister was a klepto.
    I superglued all of her stuff together. She stopped stealing my stuff.

    Do something to them that you'd know they hate.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Check them into drug rehab...
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    lol, it seems that no matter what I do to the child she just keeps stealing, She stole a Samsung galaxy from my sister and deleted all of her stuff.... Pictures are not replaceable...
    I almost want to call the police...
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    Drug rehab for thievery?
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    First off, have you confronted your child about his/her stealing?

    Secondly… What are they stealing? Is it money? If yes, I would be concerned as to why they are stealing money rather than asking. I have friends who have siblings who stole money from their parents… to pay for their drug addiction. Not trying to make you worry nor am I assuming it's to pay for drugs (just covering all possible scenarios) but if that is the case with your child, you need to find out so that you can get him/her the help they need.
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    amymrls wrote: »
    Drug rehab for thievery?
    Lol, it's something they'd hate xD!!!

    Go to their school and "chaperone" them to the door, etc. Give them kisses in front of their friends, kids LOOOOOVE that haha..

  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    First off, have you confronted your child about his/her stealing?

    Secondly… What are they stealing? Is it money? If yes, I would be concerned as to why they are stealing money rather than asking. I have friends who have siblings who stole money from their parents… to pay for their drug addiction. Not trying to make you worry nor am I assuming it's to pay for drugs (just covering all possible scenarios) but if that is the case with your child, you need to find out so that you can get him/her the help they need.

    I have talked to her and also drug tested her, she steals electronics and make up
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    amymrls wrote: »
    First off, have you confronted your child about his/her stealing?

    Secondly… What are they stealing? Is it money? If yes, I would be concerned as to why they are stealing money rather than asking. I have friends who have siblings who stole money from their parents… to pay for their drug addiction. Not trying to make you worry nor am I assuming it's to pay for drugs (just covering all possible scenarios) but if that is the case with your child, you need to find out so that you can get him/her the help they need.

    I have talked to her and also drug tested her, she steals electronics and make up

    Drug tests came back clean, yes?

    Is it possible that she is stealing electronics and selling them for money?

    Stealing makeup is strange… I'm not sure why she wouldn't just ask you for money to purchase her own or pay for her own (not sure how old she is and if she has a job or not).

    Did she tell you why she is stealing?
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Sinistrous wrote: »
    amymrls wrote: »
    Drug rehab for thievery?
    Lol, it's something they'd hate xD!!!

    Go to their school and "chaperone" them to the door, etc. Give them kisses in front of their friends, kids LOOOOOVE that haha..
    Please come to my town and be my best friend...I have twinkies :D
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    amymrls wrote: »
    First off, have you confronted your child about his/her stealing?

    Secondly… What are they stealing? Is it money? If yes, I would be concerned as to why they are stealing money rather than asking. I have friends who have siblings who stole money from their parents… to pay for their drug addiction. Not trying to make you worry nor am I assuming it's to pay for drugs (just covering all possible scenarios) but if that is the case with your child, you need to find out so that you can get him/her the help they need.

    I have talked to her and also drug tested her, she steals electronics and make up

    Drug tests came back clean, yes?

    Is it possible that she is stealing electronics and selling them for money?

    Stealing makeup is strange… I'm not sure why she wouldn't just ask you for money to purchase her own or pay for her own (not sure how old she is and if she has a job or not).

    Did she tell you why she is stealing?

    It came back clean yes, the thing is everything the girl steals I would buy her if she asks. She doesn't even use the stuff she is stealing she hides it because she is afraid to get caught. She steals phones and i pods. I am at a loss because she genuinely seems sorry when I call her out. Do you think counseling would help?
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    Sinistrous wrote: »
    amymrls wrote: »
    Drug rehab for thievery?
    Lol, it's something they'd hate xD!!!

    Go to their school and "chaperone" them to the door, etc. Give them kisses in front of their friends, kids LOOOOOVE that haha..
    Please come to my town and be my best friend...I have twinkies :D

    Lol she is adorable and hilarious so bring me with you.....
  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    edited December 2014
    amymrls wrote: »
    First off, have you confronted your child about his/her stealing?

    Secondly… What are they stealing? Is it money? If yes, I would be concerned as to why they are stealing money rather than asking. I have friends who have siblings who stole money from their parents… to pay for their drug addiction. Not trying to make you worry nor am I assuming it's to pay for drugs (just covering all possible scenarios) but if that is the case with your child, you need to find out so that you can get him/her the help they need.

    I have talked to her and also drug tested her, she steals electronics and make up

    Drug tests came back clean, yes?

    Is it possible that she is stealing electronics and selling them for money?

    Stealing makeup is strange… I'm not sure why she wouldn't just ask you for money to purchase her own or pay for her own (not sure how old she is and if she has a job or not).

    Did she tell you why she is stealing?

    Stealing makeup might be a peer pressure thing? Did she start a new school recently or change groups of friends?

    If she's stealing she might also lying to you about something, if you've drug tested her it could be a self esteem/fitting in problem or some sort of insecurity. Since she's getting caught, it could just be a cry for attention or help.

    I would do what you can to learn more about any sort of changes she's experienced. Can you see her social media pages?
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    sheepotato wrote: »
    amymrls wrote: »
    First off, have you confronted your child about his/her stealing?

    Secondly… What are they stealing? Is it money? If yes, I would be concerned as to why they are stealing money rather than asking. I have friends who have siblings who stole money from their parents… to pay for their drug addiction. Not trying to make you worry nor am I assuming it's to pay for drugs (just covering all possible scenarios) but if that is the case with your child, you need to find out so that you can get him/her the help they need.

    I have talked to her and also drug tested her, she steals electronics and make up

    Drug tests came back clean, yes?

    Is it possible that she is stealing electronics and selling them for money?

    Stealing makeup is strange… I'm not sure why she wouldn't just ask you for money to purchase her own or pay for her own (not sure how old she is and if she has a job or not).

    Did she tell you why she is stealing?

    Stealing makeup might be a peer pressure thing? Did she start a new school recently or change groups of friends?

    If she's stealing she might also lying to you about something, if you've drug tested her it could be a self esteem/fitting in problem or some sort of insecurity. Since she's getting caught, it could just be a cry for attention or help.

    Agreed but when I try to talk to her all she does is scream
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    edited December 2014
    amymrls wrote: »
    lol, it seems that no matter what I do to the child she just keeps stealing, She stole a Samsung galaxy from my sister and deleted all of her stuff.... Pictures are not replaceable...
    I almost want to call the police...

    I was a well rounded child, so I have no personal experience in this...what I"ll offer is some stuff I've picked up over the years based on daytime television and what I've randomly seen online.

    1.) Have you taken away everything from her? Electronics, luxuries, ect. If she is going to steal, then she does not get a phone, she does not get an allowance, she does not get access to a computer, ect. If necessary, change the Wifi password to something only you and your hubby know.

    2.) How have the conversations gone with the child so far? Have you addressed the thefts, and why she is doing them? Is it a cry for attention? Or, could it be a deeper issue that would better be addressed in therapy? This is what you need to find out.

    3.) There needs to be consequences, and they need to happen now. She's going to potentially steal from the wrong person/entity one day, and it won't be on a juvenile record that is expunged/wiped clean at 18. I have an extended family member who is a habitual stealer (likes writing bad checks and has stolen from people close to them), and it honestly does not get better. Juvenile Hall could also happen, and she will not enjoy that.

    4.) Has she returned these items? If not, she needs to do that, and be held accountable for her actions.

    (Edited because one question was answered while I was typing this out).
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    When I take her phone she steals someone elses....... she does not do drugs. I do have consequences like I said they don't work and I do make her return the items. I have 5 kids and have never had this issue before....

  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    edited December 2014
    amymrls wrote: »
    sheepotato wrote: »
    amymrls wrote: »
    First off, have you confronted your child about his/her stealing?

    Secondly… What are they stealing? Is it money? If yes, I would be concerned as to why they are stealing money rather than asking. I have friends who have siblings who stole money from their parents… to pay for their drug addiction. Not trying to make you worry nor am I assuming it's to pay for drugs (just covering all possible scenarios) but if that is the case with your child, you need to find out so that you can get him/her the help they need.

    I have talked to her and also drug tested her, she steals electronics and make up

    Drug tests came back clean, yes?

    Is it possible that she is stealing electronics and selling them for money?

    Stealing makeup is strange… I'm not sure why she wouldn't just ask you for money to purchase her own or pay for her own (not sure how old she is and if she has a job or not).

    Did she tell you why she is stealing?

    Stealing makeup might be a peer pressure thing? Did she start a new school recently or change groups of friends?

    If she's stealing she might also lying to you about something, if you've drug tested her it could be a self esteem/fitting in problem or some sort of insecurity. Since she's getting caught, it could just be a cry for attention or help.

    Agreed but when I try to talk to her all she does is scream

    This is one thing I can relate to; I did talk back/scream every now and then.
    Unfortunately, hormones and being a teenager make this a given for just about any conversation about accountability or addressing behavior in a teen.

    One thing I can recommend is keep at it. She can scream all she wants, and it may exhaust you, but she needs to learn her place and that is to listen to you. The conversation still needs to happen, and it will happen, no matter how much she screams and yells while you try to hold that conversation with her.

    Also, seconding the revocation of all of her luxuries and whatnot. If she is not going to have a productive conversation with you, she can have her room stripped of every luxury until this is solved.
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    She doesn't even have a door on her room now....
  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    edited December 2014
    amymrls wrote: »
    Agreed but when I try to talk to her all she does is scream

    Is she a good kid otherwise? If she's suddenly moody then it could just be hormones or a rebellion phase.

    I just saw the door comment, she could be doing it as a push back to a loss of privileges. It's still a good sign for your relationship with her that she's getting caught. If she was trying harder to hide her behavior she would be further gone.

    If you are getting nowhere it may be time to do some family counseling, see if she opens up to someone else if she won't talk to you about it.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    amymrls wrote: »
    When I take her phone she steals someone elses....... she does not do drugs. I do have consequences like I said they don't work and I do make her return the items. I have 5 kids and have never had this issue before....

    Then she should be punished, and her behavior should not be tolerated for the sake of the other 4 children as well.

    If she is going to steal someone else's phone, I would recommend password protecting every phone so she does not have access to them. Stealing is not an appropriate reaction to being punished.

    I really feel for you in this situation, and I really commend you for coming on here to try to get some advice and guidance for solving this!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    amymrls wrote: »
    amymrls wrote: »
    First off, have you confronted your child about his/her stealing?

    Secondly… What are they stealing? Is it money? If yes, I would be concerned as to why they are stealing money rather than asking. I have friends who have siblings who stole money from their parents… to pay for their drug addiction. Not trying to make you worry nor am I assuming it's to pay for drugs (just covering all possible scenarios) but if that is the case with your child, you need to find out so that you can get him/her the help they need.

    I have talked to her and also drug tested her, she steals electronics and make up

    Drug tests came back clean, yes?

    Is it possible that she is stealing electronics and selling them for money?

    Stealing makeup is strange… I'm not sure why she wouldn't just ask you for money to purchase her own or pay for her own (not sure how old she is and if she has a job or not).

    Did she tell you why she is stealing?

    It came back clean yes, the thing is everything the girl steals I would buy her if she asks. She doesn't even use the stuff she is stealing she hides it because she is afraid to get caught. She steals phones and i pods. I am at a loss because she genuinely seems sorry when I call her out. Do you think counseling would help?

    The fact that she hides the stuff because she is afraid of getting caught tells me she knows what she is doing is wrong and feels remorseful.

    I do think counseling is the way to go at this point. Since drugs have been ruled out, I am thinking there may be a deeper, emotional reason for why she steals.

    Teens steal for a number of reasons… feeling unloved/unwanted, feel as if they gets no attention, jealous of things their siblings have, feels like an outsider among siblings, steals to gain peer acceptance... some even get an adrenaline rush from stealing.

    Do you currently give her any kind of punishment after she steals?