Deployment buddies??

My Fiance just deployed out to Korea for a year. So I am using this time to try and get into the best shape of my life. Try not to just be an emotional eater on the couch lol.

I'm looking for buddies in the same situation.
A little more about me:
27 5ft 5.5inches.
currently 133.5
Goal by March 28 - 130 (Friends wedding)
Goal by April 20 - 128 (visit family in Germany & Fiance is meeting me there.)

Not setting drastic weight loss goals. because I plan to start working out and I'm sure I'll gain muscle. May tweak weight goals as time passes.


  • PowerfulHunt
    PowerfulHunt Posts: 281 Member
    Mine has been in Afghanistan since March. I started really getting into health and fitness out of boredom. Since then, its become a wonderful hobby and lifestyle .. I've run two half-marathons, began weightlifting, and am making better eating choices.

    I'm excited to share this with him when he returns, especially my improved cooking skills! It is really hard at first but the key is to keep busy <333
  • Mine has been in Afghanistan since March. I started really getting into health and fitness out of boredom. Since then, its become a wonderful hobby and lifestyle .. I've run two half-marathons, began weightlifting, and am making better eating choices.

    I'm excited to share this with him when he returns, especially my improved cooking skills! It is really hard at first but the key is to keep busy <333

    That is fantastic!! good for you! yeah I haven't really shared with him my goals. He's a big fitness/health buff. so it'll be my little surprise for him.
  • gladass12
    gladass12 Posts: 20 Member
    My husband's getting sent out sometime this month, and will be gone for a few months. I think this will make it our 8th deployment together. Would love to have MFP friends in the same situation. Feel free to add me!