New and learning Quickly... I think

Hello all,

I have been dieting on and off for approx. 10 years. I've always carried myself at around 205 to 210. I am 6'2" and felt really good at that weight. I have also always been into weight lifting. 10 years ago I went through a nasty divorce and custody battle. during that period I put on a great deal of weight (over the course of a couple years) reaching my height at 380. Since then, I have had great difficulties losing any amount of substance.

I have a very difficult time eating anything before noon. On any normal day, the first meal I would eat would be dinner, and while for most of the day I am not hungry... at that point I become starving. So my dinners on average were huge, and filled with mostly high fat and calories. Then, I would have a snack around 1100pm which would also be fatty and high in calories. I use to justify it by thinking... well, I haven't eaten all day so it can't be that bad. But most times, I didn't care because at least when eating I felt good.

3 years ago I went on Adkins and lost approx 90 pounds. It was the first "real" focused attempt at major weight loss. I felt good, and was proud about how much I had lost. The problem was Adkins is not sustainable for me. I went off the diet and gained it all back. Now I have traded in all the lose weight quickly schemes I was using before and have researched facts. This app has also greatly helped me keep track and to make better decisions. Since October, I have lost 36 pounds. I feel really good about my progress and am fully aware that this journey is going to take a long time with major changes to my food choices permanently.

The toughest part has been reworking my thought processes in reference to eating. Finding other ways to "feel good" has been hard but well worth it. A diet from foods can feel like a diet from what has historically made you feel better. In any case, that's the story and I apologize if this was to long or random. I Hope everyone has a great Holiday.



  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    Welcome AJ. I used MFP to lose 50 lbs. Just stick to a moderate deficit and you'll be fine. Would definitely recommend picking up the weights again.
  • PacificLotus
    PacificLotus Posts: 83 Member
    Congrats on losing the 36 pounds! Definitely learning quickly. Be patient with yourself in reworking those thought processes - it's really easy to fall back into old ways, but once you've learned something, you really don't unlearn it and any slip ups become easier to deal with. Stick with it - you're gonna continue to do great! :)
  • fearlessleader104
    fearlessleader104 Posts: 723 Member
    Congrats on the loss!