Resetting your metabolism after destroying it



  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I don't actually think you tanked your metabolism in one month by undereating. That only happens with people taking amphetamines as far as I know. Those drinks and desserts and the lack of activity are the real reason. That stuff has WAY more calories than you'd think. So therefore drink tea and coffee rather than booze, a piece of fruit rather than other desserts, and work out every other day. Also track your calories/nutrition on here. That should get you back to normal. You might want to cut down those cals though, 2,000 is a lot for a woman unless you are quite active. MFP can automatically set a calorie level for you when you put in your age, weight, and activity level so you don't have to do all this complicated math.
  • missylectro
    missylectro Posts: 448 Member
    Do strength training. It will increase your metabolism!
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Wow so many good answers here! I love it! Hopefully OP will listen. As will all the rest of us! Eating at a deficit can be challenging! If it was easy, then no one would be too heavy! Hang in there!
  • Behold76
    Try doing carb cycling. My weight loss came to a plateaued. I was doing low carb diet and 500 to 600 calories a day for 3 months lose 36 lbs
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Behold76 wrote: »
    Try doing carb cycling. My weight loss came to a plateaued. I was doing low carb diet and 500 to 600 calories a day for 3 months lose 36 lbs

    Yowsas I bet you lost weight eating such low calories. What happened when you started eating normally again? Have you maintained your loss?
  • Behold76
    Behold76 wrote: »
    Try doing carb cycling. My weight loss came to a plateaued. I was doing low carb diet and 500 to 600 calories a day for 3 months lose 36 lbs

    Yowsas I bet you lost weight eating such low calories. What happened when you started eating normally again? Have you maintained your loss?

    I lose a lot of muscle. Right now I'm bulking up, eating clean, my calorie intake now is 3861 a day. Still maintained my weight. Doing cardio once a day and weight training 6 days a week. Gain 7lbs of muscle, but still look lean
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Behold76 wrote: »
    Behold76 wrote: »
    Try doing carb cycling. My weight loss came to a plateaued. I was doing low carb diet and 500 to 600 calories a day for 3 months lose 36 lbs

    Yowsas I bet you lost weight eating such low calories. What happened when you started eating normally again? Have you maintained your loss?

    I lose a lot of muscle. Right now I'm bulking up, eating clean, my calorie intake now is 3861 a day. Still maintained my weight. Doing cardio once a day and weight training 6 days a week. Gain 7lbs of muscle, but still look lean

    well done :D