Finally writing out my goals!! EEK!

kspeach Posts: 179 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
According to MFP, I can hit the loss of 25 pounds in 5 weeks from now. I've cut my calories to 1000-1200, with my doctor's permission, but I will NOT beat myself up if I go slightly over to 1400. Today, I had trouble even hitting 1000! (came in 85 short...close enough! That's what I get for busting my butt on my walk today!)

I also need to find some rewards to put in there for hitting my goals!!! :)


Weight Loss Goals:

1. 4/28/10 Started at 100 pounds overweight, from where I want to be a year from now. Size 20-22
2. 6/1/10 11 pounds (Not a goal, per se, but what I weighed in a the doc's)
3. 7/11/10 25 pounds
4. 9/11/10 45 pounds
5. 11/11/10 65 pounds
6. 12/31/10 80 pounds.
7. 4/1/11 100 pounds!! (11 months total)

My weekly goals of exercise:

1. 2000 Calories burned per week
2. 6 workouts/walks
3. 45 minutes/day
4. 333 minutes

Exercise goals if my knees can hold up:

1. 09/01/10 Run/walk 5k
2. 1/1/11 Run 5K

Is this too unrealistic? I'm aware I will probably plateau. I also know that as I lose weight, I will have to work harder/longer to hit the same calories burned. (right?) It seems SOOOO far away to have to lose 80 pounds!

Although I count calories like a maniac at the moment, for me, it's a lifestyle change. I can't believe how many calories are in certain things!! And some of those things are okay in MODERATION. And if I DO overdo it, I can work it off! (Well, some of it, anyway.)


  • ana70
    ana70 Posts: 93
    Sounds great but I could not do it. For me I need small little goals, baby steps and then I'd achieve half of what you are going to achieve. I also burn out. I think you can do it for sure but be gentle with yourself. In a year if you lose 40-50 pounds your health will improve a great deal - slow and steady weight loss is where it is at. Also you shrink better. Quickly losing 100 pounds leads to excess skin. I have lost 35 and I notice it already.

    But I wish you all the best, don't give up!
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    hi! good luck! im sure you can do this!!! i am trying to lose 25 pounds too, but in 10 weeks.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    YAY for setting goals, that's not something I did a very good job of :( I wish I had done more of it and rewarded myself along the way as I do believe it helps so very much.

    Have you thought of what types of rewards you'd like to set up?

    There's so many fun ones I see on others pages I may follow your example and simply go from where I am, I'm more in the toning phase but even when I drop this last 10 I'm still evaluating if I'd like to go for 25 more. I had set my goal high for my goal weight because I was afraid if I set it to low or something that way I might fail. I figured I can always trim down some more and listen to my body by going down in small amounts.:wink:

    Here's some ideas for fun rewards,
    a special piece of jewelry when you reach a certain place that has meaning to you, bracelet or something
    pedi/mani/massage pampering, ya know things that you deserve for treating your body well
    pretty workout clothes
    some new clothes along the way

    Just tossing some ideas out your way so you'll do something I didn't do for myself early on!:flowerforyou: :tongue:

    The best to you on your new healthy life
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Looking at your post again in regards to asking if it's realistic. With 100lbs to drop, 10 lbs a month is do-able but perhaps not EVERY month. But it looks like you've thought through plateaus and such. I think setting a goal is better than flying by the seat of ones pants, I felt pretty lost when I was going that route. It gave me a sense of not excactly knowing where I am now physically, a sense of myself if you will.

    That's my deal now, working on realizing I dropped a ton of weight and I am no longer that overweight person anymore.
    I think you're going to do GREAT since you've got your doctor backing you and you've spent sometime sitting down thinking on your goals!:drinker:

    Always remember you DESERVE success:happy:

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    I think your goals look great! I want to lose 85lbs and I hope I can do it within a year too!! Its hard thats for sure!
  • kspeach
    kspeach Posts: 179 Member
    Thanks y'all! It's scary for me to write things down, because before this, I never really believed I could do anything about this....or in myself at all. Now I'm beginning to think I CAN do anything, or I can at least TRY!
    Sounds great but I could not do it. For me I need small little goals, baby steps and then I'd achieve half of what you are going to achieve. I also burn out. I think you can do it for sure but be gentle with yourself. In a year if you lose 40-50 pounds your health will improve a great deal - slow and steady weight loss is where it is at. Also you shrink better. Quickly losing 100 pounds leads to excess skin. I have lost 35 and I notice it already.

    But I wish you all the best, don't give up!

    From what I've seen, 100 pounds in around a year is not too fast. And while I'm DREADING the possibility of skin sag, I'm going to be working out to tone up whatever muscles have been laying around for the past 25 years doing nothing! ;) That might help a little.

    Yes, I've thought about some jewelry, or a special special trip, or even a cruise for the finale! I need to get a facial anyway, and a massage, so I might wait till I hit the goal in July to do that. New clothes are going to be a few as I need them here and there to get by during 'transition' phases. I think I have a very special trip that I could do in a year, if I hit my goal....WSOP! But just the cheaper one, for sure!

    Wouldn't it be COOL to sell my entire 'fat' wardrobe and use that money for something special?? :)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    i like the rewards part best its what keeps me motivated
    i have originally said id like to lose 20lbs in total im half way there but im also now thinking probably alittle more after that would be better maybe another 10-15lbs smaller targets keep me motivated more
    rewards wise i love reading and every 2lbs i lost i got a new book i wanted 10lbs lost i got myself a free nintendo wii with my mobile contract including wii sports which i love and when i get to my 20lbs off target i plan on getting the wii fit board so i can keep it off
    my friend has rewarded herself with new clothes a trampoline and her partner has promised a full blown romantic weekend when she reaches her goal
    pick what you like or love doing and reward yourself with that even if its just a small reward of a cream cake if you lose weight that week and a bigger reward when you reach targets
    good luck with determination anything is possible
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