Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone!

I am Semi, 21 years old and I need to loose weight. This is the second or third time I use mfp for it. I started last december with 97 kg and lost 8 kg until March, then I hit a plateau. A looong plateau. I didn't loose any weight for over 6 months. This got me totally frustrated. I changed my workout habits and started with 5:2. I then tool a break from mfp for 4 months in which I mantained my weight of 89 kg. In August and September I started loosing weight again. 3 kg until I hitted my next plateau. It was totally frustrating. After I changed my job, took another class at an Open University (besides my first Class of German literature) and had alot of other personal stress, so I fell into a depression (i've got the tendency for depression, since I am bipolar). Yeah and with the depressin started the eating....Now I'm 96 kg again and yeah, I think thats enough. I want to loose at least 15 kg and gain lean muscles. My plan is to have workout 4 times a week, 3 times at the gym and one time swimming. I will try a mix between hiit cardio once or twice a week and strength training twice a week. I will reduce my sugar and carbo intake and to cook more fresh things and eat more proteins.
I would be happy, if you would swnd me a friendship request. You can also find me on tumblr: semife.tumblr.com
