A temporary setback for a MAJOR comeback!

Hey peeps!

It's been a while but, I'm here today and thank God! I was sleeved in December 2011 and was doing so good. Well, I got on the scale and it said "YOU'RE TRIPPING" HAHAHA, I didn't do too bad but, enough for me to put on the brakes and come home! I tell ya, its times like this when I'm grateful for the support of on-line sites and REAL people that I can connect with. I'm not looking at where I was but, moving forward. I'm not waiting until 1/1 it starts now and know that we're in this together. I'm sure others can relate, let me here what you're doing and how you're doing. One thing I will not do is beat myself up over it. No, acknowledge it and turn it around back in the direction of positive results. I'm back to the basics so to speak. Sometimes we need a refreshers course and that's me. Low carbs, protein shakes and MOVING! I solicit your prayers and words of motivation. Have a great day!


  • ervsgrl1
    ervsgrl1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there, I totally understand. It is so easy to beat yourself up after a set back but we have to remember that each set back sets us up for an even bigger testimony. As long as we keep pushing forward we are winners!! Discouragement is the is the enemy so fight it with all you've got. We Will Succeed and become the strong vessels God wants us to be.