Lets try this again...and again...

Hello all.
Well this must be my third time being a part of this site. I've succeeded and I've failed.
In the end just gotten to the point where I can't see any harm in trying again.
Motivation isn't my strong point and using this site/app is a challenge for me.
Can't see any harm in trying again I guess.
I've gotten back to my original weight which is a disappointment for me but I can't see any harm in picking up the pieces and trying once more.
Making friends who offer motivation/advice are greatly appreciated.


  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    Right there with you!
    I try to tell myself tha it doesnt matter how mant times you start over, just that you do!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Perhaps change your atitude. Motivation is what drives you to do soemthing. Write down the reasons why you want to lose weight/get fit and figure out whether you are willing to commit to dealing with all the challenges that entails. Its then just a case of putting that commitment by following a reasonable plan which lest you return a consistent calorific deficit. You are either motivated enough or you arent, you are either willing to commit or you arent. Being focused on achieving your goal is really important.

    Do that and there will be no pieces to pick up (just temporary bumps) because you will only need to do this once and then go to the bigger task of maintaining.

    Good luck.
  • nurse_shell74
    nurse_shell74 Posts: 41 Member
    This is my 4th attempt using this app. So I know exactly what you mean!
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    What is your challenge with the site? For a lot of people it is food tracking because there is a lot of bad info in there. Also a lot of people have issues with entering their food at the end of the day. I buy most of my proteins in advance ie Side of salmon, Eye of round roast (low fat) and portion it for the serving side I want. I bought a food saver vacuum sealer and it is awesome. I can cut up and freeze portions and take them out the night before and they are ready to cook the next day.
    I can then enter my anticipated food the night before along with the exercise I plan on doing and get a great picture of what my day looks like. Next day you make adjustments as you go along or end of day.
    Just thought I would throw it out there...worked for me I have been using the site for 2 years. Lost 40lb plateaued for a while and just 15 more to go
  • zenaxe
    zenaxe Posts: 203 Member
    This is my first time with MFP and so far so good. And, while the concept of weight loss is fairly simple and straightforward ie fewer calories in = fewer lbs, the challenge is with discipline, consistency and motivation. Don't be discouraged because that doesn't lead to any meaningful results. But it would help all of us to have a look at what shakes our motivation so we can avoid those all too common pitfalls. Good luck on the quest and remember all of the reasons you want to shed some of those lbs...otherwise you wouldn't care enough to come back ~!~
  • sophomorelove
    sophomorelove Posts: 193 Member
    I've used Sparkpeople site several times, then I found this app last spring but quit again. This time I'm here to stay. Here's what did it for me: I am focusing on the process and not worrying too much about the results. I quit in the past because I'd hit a plateau, stopped logging, and couldn't get to the goal as planned. Especially on Sparkpeople, they have a red line on your weight loss chart, which shows where you're supposed to be and I alwyas felt like I was failing because my rate was slower than expected.
    6 months ago my problem on MFP was that I (like always) wanted to lose weight as fast as possible, so I set my calories for 1200 and was struggling the entire time. I lost about 8 lbs, but then I gave up and gained it all back.
    I upped up my calorie limit for a slower rate of weight loss released myself from a responsibility of exercise, so I now do it when I want (which is more often than when it was a chore). My resolution this time is to be honest, forgive myself, log, log, log no matter what, and find out what works for me. I can do this. If in the process I lose some weight - great. If it's slow - fine. I listen to my body and treat my missteps as a learning experience. That is all. Good luck to you!!
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    I agree that you may need to change your attitiude/way of thinking. MFP is just a tool to help with weight loss. And as fas as staying motivated, motivation can change daily. Motivation doesn't not equal success, hard work and dedication will.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    A goal without a specific plan is like a ship without a rudder. Kinda wander aimlessly, but occasionally hitting land.
    People keep starting over because they lack a specific plan of action and then fail to commit to it. Till that happens, the same repetitive "well here we go again, let's give it another try" will continue.

    Favorite Yoda line (in best Yoda voice) "Do or do not. There is no try."

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
