What does your body want?

As a "middle ager" (age 58) one has to realize that we are bound to gain .5-1lb a year if we do not change a thing. Not our eating habits no matter how conservative our exercise routine. Our body has a "weight" it likes and will do a lot to keep it at this weight. It is unrealistic to think you will be underweight or even slightly lower than the average weight. You have read about "brown fat". We all have so much and this is what adjusts our metabolism to the amount of exercise/food you have for the day.

The best way to adjust your weight is in low slow increments. This way your brown fat will also adjust to your new weight. Overdoing it will backfire and cause you to regain your weight very fast with very little effort.

I have crept up a little too much this year and vow to take it off...albeit slowly. About .5/lb a week or even slower than that. Mostly cut out the garbage in my diet and continue my dedication to exercise and that should do it.

Remember- SLOW changes will be more long term.


  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Thanks for the post holiday laugh. Brown adipose tissue is believed by some to help with weight loss ... invoking it in a post that claims it has anything to do with regaining weight ... wow.
  • tnnsluvr
    tnnsluvr Posts: 4 Member
    The author was right. 28 years in nutrition studies.
    Changing is 80% calorie reduction and 20% exercise.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    "Brown fat," what???
    My body wants Cheetohs. That answers your question.
  • x_blackrainbow
    x_blackrainbow Posts: 439 Member
    tnnsluvr wrote: »
    You have read about "brown fat".

    No, I haven't.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    Brown fat is higher in percentage in infants because it is a temperature regulator. Studies on men sleeping in cold conditions show that brown fat can be increased in those circumstances, but for the most part is minuscule in most adults. It is supposed to be good to have a higher percentage to help maintain or lose weight. Not sure why having more of it would make you gain as the op seems to state.
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    I've never heard of brown fat.
    My body wants a hot tub, and then a nap.