Help with diary!



  • maddienortonaus
    maddienortonaus Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks for all the ideas! I popped out and got a convection oven for my room :) Strictly speaking they're not allowed but what the admin don't know won't hurt them.. whole lot of more options now :) how long would you guys suggest sticking to how I'm going now? Like say I had 3 weeks without any loss would you recommend switching to low carb or some other diet?
  • Danaburger99
    Thanks for all the tips everyone :)

    As far as the dinners go I don't have much option because I live at college.. the dining hall food is very very bad (chips, pies etc) so I've taken to eating in my room. Do you have any suggestions of meals I could make in my room that would be better? I have a microwave, toaster and kettle :) Love yoghurt so maybe I'll add some to my breakfast to fill it out a bit and add some calories?

    I have a polar HRM which I wear when exercising but I've been too lazy to look at my logs and add what I burnt - I'll make sure I do it from now on.

    Thanks again!
  • Danaburger99
    I work in law enforcement and have a crazy thing I find yummy and fast that can be heated up in the microwave is blackbeans (seasoned) and ground turkey meat. OR the packaged Salmon with a boil egg mushed into it. These two things are my go to's for shift work.
  • BenW1980
    BenW1980 Posts: 9
    you clearly do not understand the concept of energy balance. Your first statement shows you are a newbie and dont understand much.

  • zytah
    zytah Posts: 153
    Wow! I'm impressed. I have a calorie goal of around ~1300 which I mostly stuck to and did 30 mins brisk walk +20 mins of high intensity circuit training. No weightloss yet.... though I am not fussy about it. I want to lose probably just 12 pounds... so I dont get worked up with this issue, but its still surprising.
    Becuase earlier I ate without any heed and now I have not only started calorie counting, but I also have increased my protein percent and started exercising... so I was just puzzled...

    im sure in my case I have other factors on why im losing like my 2 boys who I chase every 5 minutes and lift in the air for hugs and kisses. that's good exercise there! I eat when im hungry and pound down water when Im not. I still eat what I want but I make sure it fits within all the pretty numbers of my diary. maybe im just a freak, I dunno. /shrug

    I don't put much emphasis on the scale anyways. sometimes I lose a pound, sometimes more, sometimes less. I always find something always moves. when the scale doesn't, my measuring tape says otherwise. id be perfectly happy weighing more as long as my measuring tape keeps telling me im getting smaller.

    for the OP, you can google dorm friendly recipes. theres a ton out there like for some ideas. i wish you luck! dorm living is brutal. :)