Binging patterns

I have been doing great sticking to my calorie limits this week.... that is, until I go out and come home late, intoxicated. I always come home hungry and lose all semblance of control that I have while sober. Often I end up binging, or even if I don't, I eat and go over my calorie limit.

Other than simply staying sober, does anyone have suggestions? Alternately, does anyone else struggle with this?


  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    edited December 2014
    Drunkenness is not good for maintaining your resolve. Booze is also a good way to use up calories that could otherwise go for food.

    Not sure what kind of advice you're looking for here when the problem and how to solve it is obvious.
  • menosquinze
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Drunkenness is not good for maintaining your resolve. Booze is also a good way to use up calories that could otherwise go for food.

    Not sure what kind of advice you're looking for here when the problem and how to solve it is obvious.

    Sure, but I'm home for the holidays and will only be here till January, and it is the first time all of my friends and I are legally able to go out to bars together. It's a little tricky in that regard.
  • menosquinze
    have healthy snacks ready for when you come home from a night of fun? Sliced cucumbers, pretzels, all layed out, ready and calorie counted?

    Not as fun as the binge foods after a night of drinking but it may help

    Thanks, that's actually very helpful
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    There are a couple things you can do. You don't say how intoxicated you are, but I'm going to assume you've had a few. One thing you could do is change up the alcohol. Go for lower calorie drinks or drinks that will take you longer to drink. Gin and diet tonic in a tall glass, for example. It might also be helpful to drink a glass of water or diet soda between alcoholic drinks. The strategy is two-fold, drink less calories so you can lessen the impact of any food consumed post-drinking and don't get so intoxicated that you can't make good food decisions when you get home.