Support people needed

I am just starting on this website and am looking for similar interest groups to help me stay focused. I am 22 years old, 235 lbs. I do not have any set short term goals set as of yet, but in the end I would like to get to 145 lbs. I was hoping there were others out there with similar situations/goals that could help challenge me and keep me motivated?!?


  • FocusPlease
    FocusPlease Posts: 59 Member
    I've just started, too. Friend me, if you like, and I'll be happy to cheer you on. I'm 186, with my ultimate goal in one year to be 135. So that's one lb a wk goal. My first short term goal is 8 lbs by Aug 1. I really believe it's gonna happen this time because I KNOW I have a sincere and correct attitude this time.

    Good luck (and hard work) and smiles!
  • Granny2b
    Granny2b Posts: 91
    You can do it !!! Ill add you as a friend x

    Pamela x:flowerforyou:
  • mkwade7380
    mkwade7380 Posts: 37
    Welcome. The hardest part is taking that first step which you did the second you decided to make that change.
  • TruSunshine
    TruSunshine Posts: 178
    Hello there..You can "friend" me also...I started in signed up April 26 (but didnt get serious until May 10) and have loss 11lbs so far...If I can do it, so can you....So let's get it done :glasses: Good Luck and Much Success to you...:flowerforyou: