looking to lose nearly half my body weight.

Hi! My name is Lori and I am extremely obese female from western pennsylvania looking to start life over. I am 53 yo and currently battling depression and fibromyalgia along with some personal problems in my marriage and desperately need this to help boost my self esteem. I decided losing 150 lbs would be my new years resolution but decided to get a head start and use the week prior to the new year as kind of a trial run. Unbelievably despite a family Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas I still ended up losing 6.6 pounds. Pretty good for a start I think. It got me motivated anyway. I ride a stationary recumbant bike 30 mins each morning and I will be starting the Richard Simmons H.O.P.E exercise plan. I am not so sure about the recipes he provides.. I am a very plain eater. I am looking for people who also have alot of weight to lose that can become a diet buddy. I feel i need to be encouraging to others as much as I need to be encouraged byothers. I have no one in my personal life that is supportive and have repeatedly tried to go solo, but I always become depressed and quit. I currently am pretty much homebound because of my weight and the pain it causes me in my knees. I am hoping as i lose weight walking will become easier and I can get out more. Finding a buddy in my area would be most welcome. Even if we cannot get out and exercise together now.. I am hoping with more weight loss that will be possible.


  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member

    I also suffer from fibromyalgia and it is a struggle some days to get anything accomplished because of the pain. I have found that losing weight has helped to alleviate some of the pain from the fibro. I started riding a bike last year because it was easier on my knees and helped to lose weight. I use some recipes from Clean Eating magazine and Better Homes and Gardens light and healthy magazines. I have found several recipes that I really enjoy and are a cinch to make.

    I wanted to lose 130 pounds last year and only lost 40-some. I let it really bother me a couple of months ago and I have had to readjust my thinking towards weight loss. I became to obsessed with the number on the scale instead of using non scale victories (clothes fitting better or needing to buy smaller clothes, able to stay closer to calorie goal each day instead of twice my calorie goal, being able to exercise longer or more efficiently than before I started my resolution last year, making better food choices each day, and using inches lost as a weight loss indicator) to serve as reinforcement that my choices were helping me to reach my overall goal.

    I have decided to change my goal for this year to focus on the non scale victories, to become a runner, and lose inches. I think by changing my focus the weight will come off because I am making better choices and creating habits that will lead to permanent weight loss. I am also trying to create smaller more attainable goals than I did last year to help ensure my success by reaching those goals.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.